
Our weeks are pretty regimented. The same stuff on the same days, never any deviation from the plan. Monday to Friday it’s school in the day, homework at night. Saturdays we go to the library in the morning, play boardgames and cards in the afternoon while Dad cooks us fish and chips for dinner.

On Sundays they take us to the woods and leave us there. We can do anything. There’s no one to stop us. Out come the claws, the teeth. Our shrieks and howls scare the pigeons from the trees, scatter the rabbits through the brush. We go wild in there. We lose our minds.

Then back home for bath and bed.



1. Written on January 2nd, 2023


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(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Play For Park Bench

Person A is sitting on the bench (location at your discretion). Person B approaches and sits on the other end of the bench.

A: You can’t sit there.
B: I can. I will.
A: You can’t. You won’t.
B: I will. I am.
A: No!
B: Yes!
A: No!

B stands up then forcefully sits down again.

B: Yes!
A: I am not going to sit here and put up with this.

A gets up and leaves. B remains sitting on the bench for some time. Eventually, A returns and sits back down on the bench.

B: You can’t sit there.
A: I can. I will.
B: You can’t. You won’t.
A: I will. I am.
B: No!
A: Yes!
B: No!

A stands up then forcefully sits down again.

A: Yes!
B: I am not going to sit here and put up with this.

B gets up and leaves. A remains sitting on the bench for some time.

Repeat until dusk.



1. Written on October 13th, 2022
2. An homage to Daniil Kharms


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

The Box

We got The Box for Christmas, a joint present for each other. It sits there on the table, pulsing, glowing, trembling, flickering, wrapping paper still spread around it like a nest. We knew The Box was all the rage these days, but we weren’t particularly impressed.

“I don’t see what this does that the The Cube didn’t,” she said. It was her idea to get one so I was feeling kind of vindicated but not an £899 kind of vindicated.

“Or The Vase,” I said.

“This is much better than The fucking Vase,” she said. “That thing was so impractical. One little touch and it’d fall over and spill emergence fluid everywhere. It might have been cheap to buy but it was so expensive to run.”

“Yeah, but it had charm,” I said. I bloody loved The Vase. I really did. “A sort of style you know. And portability. We could take it round your Mums. This Box is just… a box.”

“A stable box that doesn’t run on fucking AAA batteries,” she said.

“But it’s so utilitarian,” I said, sighing wistfully. “Remember when technology was exciting. Now it’s just the same, but newer.”

“At least this doesn’t accidentally merge its extrusions,” she said, shuddering at the memory of some half-remembered Christmas now long past.

“I quite liked merged extrusions,” I said quietly.

“I never want to see a merged extrusion ever again in my life,” she said.

I hoped one day soon they’d bring The Vase back as a retro thing, merged extrusions and all. I’d have to keep it hidden away somewhere she’d never find it, but yeah, it could work. They were pretty portable after all.



1. Written on 19th October, 2022


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Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Female Kill Machine 2

Female Kill Machine 2 is the lightning-paced absurdist quantum explosion of ever-escalating cyberpunk insanity and hyperviolence sequel to the lightning-paced absurdist quantum explosion of ever-escalating cyberpunk insanity and hyperviolence original (Female Kill Machine 1).

“Time moves at the speed of thought. So while the short few months since the astonishing culmination of María and María’s last adventure lasted exactly that for the rest of the world, they were the equivalent of millennia in the minds of the two Female Kill Machines. Yet for the remaining decillionaires of this world and beyond, it was like the complete and utter annihilation of Xandy Mandelbrot had only happened mere hours before. And now they wanted their explosive neverending revenge.”

Female Kill Machine 2 is available to buy and read for £0 (or more) at Ko-Fi, Amazon and Patreon right now, and features upwards of 27,000 words of Absurdo astonishments.



1. Female Kill Machine 2 was written between July and September, 2022
2. Female Kill Machine 1 is available here.
3. If you haven’t read that yet.
4. You should because it’s good.


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Female Kill Machine (slight edit edition)

For reasons unrelated to anything but my own diligence and professionalism (and also the only review of this on goodreads being 90% about the typos made me feel all self-conscious), here is a slightly updated version of last year’s smash hit super sensation of the literary world, Female Kill Machine, which is still, I’m afraid to say, an ultraviolent cyberpunk atrocity of a novel.

Available now on Amazon (£2.99, or free on kindle unlimited) and Ko-Fi (pay what you want).


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!