The Infinite 8-Bit Computer Game Character Archive

The Infinite 8-Bit Computer Game Character Archive (available here and here) generates character histories for an infinite amount of imaginary 8-Bit computer game characters from an infinite amount of imaginary 8-Bit computer games.



1. Made on the 18th and 19th December, 2023

2. I decided to make this when I started playing Earthbound the other day, and liking the bit at the start where you can have it randomly choose names for all your characters if you can’t be bothered to name them yourself.

3. I made the sprites in Pulp, the Playdate game maker machine, largely because I couldn’t actually find any straight pixel art editor that worked properly. Anyway, that’s why these are all tiny little 8×8 monochrome animations rather than anything more lavish and/or system accurate.

4. The list of originating systems was aided by the use of this marvellous wikipedia page. I hope they’re all genuine, but who can ever truly know.

5. Also merry christmas everyone, in case I forget to say next week when it’s actually christmas.


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(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

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Brids, Sfish, And Other Amals

A simple toy that creates hybrid animals by swapping their heads and bodies around, Brids, Sfish, and Other Amals was made using twine, with public domain nature illustrations largely collected from the wonderful old book illustrations website.

You can use it here and/or here if you want, and make various creatures like those below.



1. I made this between late August and early October, 2023
2. It was originally intended to be actual printed cards, for my nieces/nephews
3. But the logistics of actually printing cards put paid to that idea
4. I’m afraid


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Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Endless Knights

Endless Knights (also here) is an infinite Arthurian knight generator, for all your heroic knightly needs.

The descriptions of their deeds are largely adapted from Tales From King Arthur by Andrew Lang, and Le Morte D’Arthur by Thomas Mallory, while the illustrations used are by Aubrey Beardsley (from Le Morte D’Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory); Henry Justice Ford (from Tales from King Arthur and The Red Romance Book by Andrew Lang); and NC Wyeth (from The Boy’s King Arthur).



1. This was made in late August – early September, 2023
2. It is essentially An Abundance Of Beasts, but with knights of the round table


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

An Abundance Of Beasts

An Abundance Of Beasts (also available here) is an endless medieval bestiary generator, largely utilising information from the always wonderful Medieval Bestiary: Animals In The Middle Ages website and a lovely translated copy of the Bodleian Library Bestiary, and then pieced together using twine.



1. This was made in August 2023


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!