<center><strong>An Abundance Of Beasts</strong>
[[Another Beast|Beasts]] - [[About]]</center>(set: $passages to 786)(set: $beast to "Beast")(set: $beastlow to "beast")(set: $beasts to "Beasts")(set: $beastslow to "beasts")(set: $beastname to (random: 10000, 10235))(set: $story1 to (random: 1, $passages))(set: $story2 to (random: 1, $passages))(set: $story3 to (random: 1, $passages))(set: $beastnamestring to (text: $beastname))(set: $storystring1 to (text: $story1))(set: $storystring2 to (text: $story2))(set: $storystring3 to (text: $story3))(set: $image1 to (random: 20000, 20296))(set: $imagestring to (text: $image1))
(display: $beastnamestring)
(display: $storystring1)(set: $beasts to "They")(set: $beastslow to "they") (display: $storystring2) (display: $storystring3)
(display: $imagestring)
<center><strong>An Abundance Of Beasts</strong>
[[Another Beast|Beasts]] - [[About]]</center>
*An Abundance Of Beasts* is an endless medieval bestiary generator, largely utilising information from the always wonderful <a href="https://bestiary.ca/index.html" target="_blank">Medieval Bestiary: Animals In The Middle Ages</a> website and a lovely translated copy of the <a href="https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/ecf96804-a514-4adc-8779-2dbc4e4b2f1e/surfaces/861ad634-1d6a-4673-9096-8f2120ecf9f4/" target="_blank">Bodleian Library Bestiary</a>, and then pieced together using <a href="https://twinery.org" target="_blank">twine</a>.
If you've got anything you'd like to tell me about this abundance of beasts (or anything else really), you can email me at *dngdng@gmail.com*, and if you want to see more of my things and/or support me you can visit the various places below, perhaps:
**website:** <a href="https://accumulationofthings.com" target="_blank">an accumulation of things</a>
**itch.io:** <a href="https://dngdng.itch.io" target="_blank">dngdng</a>
**patreon:** <a href="https://www.patreon.com/davidguy" target="_blank">davidguy</a>
**ko-fi:** <a href="https://ko-fi.com/davidnguy" target="_blank">davidnguy</a>
(set: $image1 to (random: 20000, 20296))(set: $imagestring to (text: $image1))(display: $imagestring)To lay their eggs, $beastslow rub their bellies on rough sand on the ocean bottom.$beasts are fertile creatures that lay many eggs.$beasts are animals that first live in the water, but then their form and character change so that it can live on land.If a $beastlow is captured while still young, it can be trained as a hunter, and will stay with the person who raised it without being confined.$beasts are seldom seen by people because they fly above the clouds, rarely coming to land. When divers want to locate pearls, they tie a $beastlow to a rope and drop it into the sea.$beasts are about the size of a stag, but are different from other animals.Every four footed animal has a gallbladder in its interior belly, with the exception of the $beastlow. The $beastlow has its gallbladder in its ears.It is said Roman soldiers would form the skin of a $beastlow into a cap to wear under their helmets so they would not feel pain when hit.$beasts have a thick and very hard skin, so they can survive strong blows. The $beastlow is said to hide in the shadow of large ships, and to wait until someone goes for a swim so it can drown them.$beasts have wings as sharp as razors.$beasts are the colour of fire.$beasts are like an eagle; they are lord over all birds.When she is sixty years old, the female $beastlow lays two eggs, which take sixty days to hatch.When a young $beastlow is born, its parents, accompanied by a retinue of birds, fly to the sea, plunge in, and drown.There are similarities in the stories of the $beastlow to those of others.Other creatures care for the young of the $beastlow until they grow old enough to leave.$beasts were used by the Romans to make a pickled sauce.$beasts are very small, but when they are freshly caught, they make the most delicious food.A $beastlow does not live long, soon decaying in the water.$beasts are not born, but instead are generated spontaneously from rotting mud. $beasts may actually be herrings.$beasts can be lured into nets by light.$beasts have eyes that shine at night.(set: $beast to "Bee")(set: $beastlow to "bee")(set: $beasts to "Bees")(set: $beastslow to "bees")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Toad")(set: $beastlow to "toad")(set: $beasts to "Toads")(set: $beastslow to "toads")<strong>$beast</strong>$beasts have purple stripes on their sides.Thomas of Cantimpré says that $beastslow have a stone inside, and that their skin has multiple colours like silk cloth.The $beastlow is a two headed creature, one head in the normal position, and another at the end of its tail.$beasts can run in either direction. $beasts have eyes that shine like lamps.A $beastlow has no fear of the cold.The $beastlow is an animal that lives in the East.The $beastlow has long teeth with which it attacks other animals.If a $beastlow sees one of its kind being approached by any other kind of animal, every single $beastlow that is near gathers to attack the other animal, no matter what kind it is.$beasts walk in order like soldiers.$beasts carry grains in their mouths, and a $beastlow with no grain will not try to take the grain from one which has it.$beasts break every grain or seed they are carrying in half to keep them from germinating when it rains, because if they do they will starve in the winter.When it is time to harvest grain, $beastslow go into the fields, where they distinguish wheat from barley by its smell and reject the barley because it is food for cattle.Some authors tell of the gold digging $beastlow of Ethiopia, which is the size of a dog.$beasts dig up gold from sand with their feet and guard it, chasing down and killing any who try to steal it.$beasts are the offspring of a male dog and a female wolf, despite the natural hatred that exists between them.The $beastlow is fierce, strong and very active.The $beastlow is a beast that is the result of a mating between a lion and an ant.The $beastlow has the face of a lion and the body of an ant, and the lion part will only eat meat and the ant part can only digest grain, and so the $beastlow starves. The $beastlow is so wild that hunters cannot catch it.When the $beastlow is thirsty it goes to the Euphrates River to drink, but as it plays in the thickets of herecine trees there, its horns get caught in the branches and it cannot free itself.Upon hearing the $beastlow crying, hunters come and kill it.$beasts have horns like saws, and with them can cut down trees.The $beastlow of antiquity is not the animal now called a $beastlow.(set: $beast to "Badger")(set: $beastlow to "badger")(set: $beasts to "Badgers")(set: $beastslow to "badgers")<strong>$beast</strong>$beasts are small creatures that feed on grass.Since horses have the same diet, they hate the $beastlow for stealing their food, and in revenge for this hatred, the $beastlow imitates the neighing of the horse in mockery.$beasts are very fertile, producing a dozen eggs at a time.Thomas of Cantimpré, in his *Liber de natura rerum*, misidentified the $beastlow as some kind of finch, and this error was copied faithfully by later encyclopaedists.The female $beastlow always gives birth to twins, one of which she loves and the other she hates.When $beastslow carry their young, they hold the ones they love in their arms, but the ones they hate must cling to their backs.When a $beastlow is in danger of being caught, they drop the children they love in order to escape, but the ones they hate cling to their backs and are saved.There are five types of $beastlow. The first has a tail. The second is docile, not wild. The third has a head like a dog and a long tail. The fourth is lively and has a pleasant face. The fifth has a long beard on its pointed face, and has a wide tail.$beasts are happy at the new moon but grow sad as it wanes.At the equinox $beastslow urinate seven times.$beasts are said to be ugly, dirty beasts with flat and wrinkled noses; their rear parts are particularly horrible.$beasts are too small to be caught with a hook.$beasts avoid the enchantment of music by pressing one ear against the ground and plugging the other ear with their tails.$beasts have a precious stone called a carbuncle in their heads, and the enchanter must say certain words to the $beastlow to obtain the stone.$beasts guard a tree that drips balm, and to get the balm men must first put the $beastlow to sleep by singing to it.$beasts kill by making you sweat blood. If you are bitten by a $beastlow, you grow weak, so that your veins open and your life is drawn forth in your blood. $beasts are creatures that move quickly, with their mouth always open and emitting vapour.If a $beastlow strikes you, you swell up and die of gross distention, for the swollen body putrefies immediately after.There is a kind of $beastlow that kills you by sending you to sleep. Large and tall varieties of $beastlow come from Arcadia, but the smaller ones are more useful because they can sustain hardship.$beasts are slow and resist commands.$beasts are generated from the foam caused by rain near the shore. $beasts cannot stand the brightness of the sun, so they find trees overhanging the water where they can have shade.$beasts appear when the Pleiades begin to decline in the west.The wild $beastlow flies in formation high in the sky, while the domestic $beastlow lives in villages, clamours, and maintains itself with its beak.$beasts live near Babylon, where rivers fall into caves.$beasts have heads like a sea-frog, and they swim with frequent movements of their fins and tails.The hatred between $beastlow and ape is implacable and they are often at war. $beasts work together to dig holes in mountains. One $beastlow lies down at the entrance to a hole, holding a stick in its mouth, while the others pile earth on its belly. Two more take hold of the stick with their mouths and drag the loaded $beastlow away.$beasts love honey and constantly look for honeycombs.The $beastlow gets its name because it has a beard.$beasts come from trees that grow over water. Some trees produce birds that look like a small $beastlow.The young of the $beastlow hang from trees by their beaks.When $beastslow are mature enough, they fall from trees; any that fall into the water float and are safe, but those that fall on land die.$beasts appear attached to logs drifting in the sea. Sometimes $beastslow grow feathers and swim away as if they are baby geese.Only the weasel can kill a $beastlow.$beasts and buffones may both be the same animal.The odour of a $beastlow is said to kill snakes, fire coming from their mouths kills birds, and its glance will kill a man.A $beastlow can kill by hissing, which is why it is also called the sibilus.Like the scorpion, $beastslow like dry places. When $beastslow bite, they cause the victim to become hydrophobic. A $beastlow is hatched by a toad from a cock's egg, a rare occurrence.(set: $beast to "Barbalus")(set: $beastlow to "barbalus")(set: $beasts to "Barbalus")(set: $beastslow to "barbalus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Basilisk")(set: $beastlow to "basilisk")(set: $beasts to "Basilisks")(set: $beastslow to "basilisks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bat")(set: $beastlow to "bat")(set: $beasts to "Bats")(set: $beastslow to "bats")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bear")(set: $beastlow to "bear")(set: $beasts to "Bears")(set: $beastslow to "bears")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Beaver")(set: $beastlow to "beaver")(set: $beasts to "Beavers")(set: $beastslow to "beavers")<strong>$beast</strong>A $beastlow is not a noble beast.$beasts are unlike other creatures in that they have teeth.$beasts give birth to live young instead of laying eggs.$beasts gather together and hang from high places like a bunch of grapes; if one falls, all the rest also fall.$beasts give birth in the winter. The $beastlow is born as a shapeless and eyeless lump of flesh, which the mother $beastlow shapes into its proper form by licking it.The $beastlow is born head first, making its head weak and its arms and legs strong, allowing them to stand upright.$beasts do not mate like other animals; like humans they embrace each other when they copulate.A $beastlow's desire is aroused in winter.A male $beastlow does not touch a pregnant female, and even when they share the same lair at the time of birth, they lie separated by a trench.When in their fourteen day period of hibernation, $beastslow are so soundly asleep that not even wounds can wake them.$beasts eat honey, but can only safely eat the apples of the mandrake if they also eat ants. $beasts fight bulls by holding their horns and attacking their sensitive noses.If injured, a $beastlow can heal itself by touching the herb phlome or mullein.The fiercest kind of $beastlow is found in Numibia.The $beastlow is hunted for its testicles, which are valued for making medicine. When the $beastlow sees that it cannot escape, it bites off its testicles and throws them to the hunter, who then stops pursuing the $beastlow. If another hunter chases the $beastlow, it shows them that it has already lost its testicles, and so is spared.$beasts are blood sucking worms that prey on humans.The $beastlow has its name from the similarity of its smell to that of a herb.$beasts are the smallest of beasts.$beasts are born from the bodies of oxen, or from the decaying flesh of slaughtered calves; worms form in the flesh and then turn into a young $beastlow. $beasts live in communities, choose the most noble among them as their king, have wars, and make honey.$beasts have laws based on customs, but their king does not enforce the law; rather the lawbreakers punish themselves by stinging themselves to death.$beasts are industrious and hard working; they will never fail to work on suitable days.$beasts have everything in common, and even raise their young communally.$beasts are afraid of smoke and are excited by noise. Each $beastlow has its own duty: guarding the food supply, watching for rain, collecting dew to make honey, or making wax from flowers.$beasts are affectionate to their parents, and help rejuvenate them by licking the mist from their eyes and pulling out old feathers.The $beastlow is an unconquerable land monster that lives in a desert east of the Garden of Eden; some also say it lives in the mountains.$beasts are enormous beasts.The $beastlow and the leviathan were created at the same time, but were separated because no one place would be big enough for both. At the end of time there will be a battle between a $beastlow and a leviathan, and God will slay them both with a sword and the elect will eat them.The $beastlow is a wicked creature, more cunning and deceitful than any other. $beasts trick eels and then kill them.$beasts are generated in wine.$beasts are so full of bones that it is difficult to eat them, and their taste is so unpalatable that it is only used as food by the poor.The $beastlow is caught in nets: an arch containing a small bell is floated in the water, and they follow the tinkling sound into the net.The $beastlow puts its mouth in water or into reeds and makes a booming noise, which can be heard for two leagues at dawn.$beasts are all black, except those from Achaia or Arcadia, which are blue.In April and May the $beastlow sings marvellously high, but in the winter its song is unpleasant.A $beastlow has a voice so sweet that it moves the mind to a feeling of delight. For this reason people keep them in cages.The $beastlow is a gentle beast; only the dragon is its enemy.$beasts feed on cattle, but not by swallowing them; instead they suck the milk from a cow's udder, sometimes taking so much that the cow dies.$beasts are savage and wild, like a pig or hog.$beasts are creatures with a head like a bulls, but with horns that curl in towards each other.When pursued, $beastslow expel their dung, which travels a great distance (as much as two acres) and burns anything it touches.$beasts are said to resemble eels, and can be skinned like one.$beasts have a slippery body.$beasts heads are large in relation to their bodies and they have a broad mouth.A $beastlow's eggs are the best and most delectable of all eggs.There is a fish also called a $beastlow, which is described entirely differently, and the relation between them, if any, is unknown.When hunted by fishermen, $beastslow go to the bottom of the river and muddy the waters above so they cannot be seen.$beasts are impregnated by the south wind.$beasts have red spots on their back.The back of a $beastlow is similar in appearance to mud, which helps it hide.$beasts are beasts with the face of a frog.A $beastlow has a stone on its forehead that is used as a remedy against poison. $beasts like to live in wet places.$beasts can be defeated by spiders, which bite them and cause them to swell.$beasts are famed for the size and great number of their teeth.$beasts are too wild to be yoked.$beasts have huge horns that are made into drinking vessels for kings.$beasts have long and crooked horns, a long neck, a huge head, and a kind and simple appearance, but they are extremely destructive and cruel when provoked to anger.When a $beastlow attacks a man, it catches him on its horns and tosses him into the air, eventually killing him.$beasts are so fast that they can eject their dung, turn and catch it on their horns, before throwing it at a pursuer.$beasts are poisonous and foul to the touch.$beasts only eat earth, and only as much in a day as they can hold in a forefoot. There is a species of $beastlow in Gaul that has a voice like a trumpet; elsewhere they are mute.It is not at all clear what a $beastlow actually is. What little is said of them is inconsistent and confusing.The $beastlow has horns that are movable, and a hide so hard it rejects spears.$beasts have tawny coloured hair which turns contrariwise, and they are as swift as a bird. If captured, a $beastlow breathes fiercely to avoid being tamed.$beasts hide in the grass, and when cows eat them the poison causes the cows to swell up and burst.The $beastlow is a venomous beast from Italy. The $beastlow is slow; it cannot ascend rapidly.A $beastlow has to leap two or three times before it can get into the air and fly.If a $beastlow sees an animal on the ground it will join with others of its kind to kill and eat it.$beasts eat carrion, and even grass.$beasts cause small worms to be generated from their own dung.The $beastlow is said to be an animal with small feet relative to its large body, with feet like those of a cow.$beasts have one long boneless foot that they use as a hand to bring food to their mouth.The $beastlow appears to be a monstrous shepard who eats human flesh.A $beastlow stole cattle from Hercules, dragging them backward by their tails into his cave, for which Hercules killed it.$beasts are said to shoot fire from their chests when angry, and are bristly all over like a boar.The $beastlow is an all white beast that lives in the king's house. $beasts hate horses.$beasts can endure thirst for three days and prefer to drink muddy water; if only clear water is available, they will stir it up with their feet to muddy it.When a $beastlow drinks, it fills up for both past thirst and for future needs.Some types of $beastlow are good for carrying burdens, while others are better suited to travelling.A $beastlow's hoofs do not wear down. $beasts can live for one hundred years, unless they are taken to a foreign country, where the change of air makes them ill. The female $beastlow is used in war.$beasts grow wild with the desire to mate; this desire can be destroyed by castration, which also makes them stronger.$beasts are a green creature that glitters with gold in sunlight.$beasts are generated by the moisture in the leaves of certain trees, where they live at the tops of branches. $beasts are in some ways like caterpillars, but they grow wings and fly in daylight; at night they gather in groups.If a $beastlow is caught at night and killed with vinegar, the solution can be used to treat bladder problems.(set: $beast to "Bee-Eater")(set: $beastlow to "bee-eater")(set: $beasts to "Bee-Eaters")(set: $beastslow to "bee-eaters")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Behemoth")(set: $beastlow to "behemoth")(set: $beasts to "Behemoths")(set: $beastslow to "behemoths")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Berus")(set: $beastlow to "berus")(set: $beasts to "Berus")(set: $beastslow to "berus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bibione")(set: $beastlow to "bibione")(set: $beasts to "Bibiones")(set: $beastslow to "bibiones")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bitterling")(set: $beastlow to "bitterling")(set: $beasts to "Bitterlings")(set: $beastslow to "bitterlings")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bittern")(set: $beastlow to "bittern")(set: $beasts to "Bitterns")(set: $beastslow to "bitterns")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Blackbird")(set: $beastlow to "blackbird")(set: $beasts to "Blackbirds")(set: $beastslow to "blackbirds")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Boa")(set: $beastlow to "boa")(set: $beasts to "Boas")(set: $beastslow to "boas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Boar")(set: $beastlow to "boar")(set: $beasts to "Boars")(set: $beastslow to "boars")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bonnacon")(set: $beastlow to "bonnacon")(set: $beasts to "Bonnacons")(set: $beastslow to "bonnacons")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Borbothis")(set: $beastlow to "borbothis")(set: $beasts to "Borbothis")(set: $beastslow to "borbothis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bothis")(set: $beastlow to "bothis")(set: $beasts to "Bothis")(set: $beastslow to "bothis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Botrax")(set: $beastlow to "botrax")(set: $beasts to "Botraces")(set: $beastslow to "botraces")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bream")(set: $beastlow to "bream")(set: $beasts to "Bream")(set: $beastslow to "bream")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Buffalo")(set: $beastlow to "buffalo")(set: $beasts to "Buffalos")(set: $beastslow to "buffalos")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Buffone")(set: $beastlow to "buffone")(set: $beasts to "Buffones")(set: $beastslow to "buffones")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bull")(set: $beastlow to "bull")(set: $beasts to "Bulls")(set: $beastslow to "bulls")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Buprestis")(set: $beastlow to "buprestis")(set: $beasts to "Buprestis")(set: $beastslow to "buprestis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Bustard")(set: $beastlow to "bustard")(set: $beasts to "Bustards")(set: $beastslow to "bustards")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Butterfly")(set: $beastlow to "butterfly")(set: $beasts to "Butterflies")(set: $beastslow to "butterflies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Caab")(set: $beastlow to "caab")(set: $beasts to "Caabs")(set: $beastslow to "caabs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cacus")(set: $beastlow to "cacus")(set: $beasts to "Cacus")(set: $beastslow to "cacus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Caladrius")(set: $beastlow to "caladrius")(set: $beasts to "Caladrius")(set: $beastslow to "caladrius")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Camel")(set: $beastlow to "camel")(set: $beasts to "Camels")(set: $beastslow to "camels")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cantharis")(set: $beastlow to "cantharis")(set: $beasts to "Cantharis")(set: $beastslow to "cantharis")<strong>$beast</strong>A $beastlow is about a cubit in size.<img src="beasts/0.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/1.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/2.jpg" width="100%">$beasts have a kind of wool on their side that helps heal sores.$beasts are small creatures with large heads.$beasts live in rivers where they hide under rocks.$beasts are creatures of the sea, three cubits long, that have large heads and small, narrow tails.$beasts are sometimes described as a goat, and sometimes as a deer, but are neither.Theophrastus says of the $beastlow: "Its colour is red and of such a kind that when it is held against the sun it resembles a burning coal."$beasts are said to be found in the forehead of the asp or the dragon.$beasts can pass through flames without being harmed.The $beastlow is said to have five ways to escape a fishing net: it first looks for an opening, then tries to jump over the net, then looks for a way through the water under the net, then holds the grass at the bottom so the net comes up empty, and as a last resort forces itself into the mud to go under the net.$beasts are the enemies of mice. The eyesight of a $beastlow is very good, and can penetrate the darkness of night.$beasts cover their dung with earth so that animals passing by will not smell it and know a $beastlow is nearby.$beasts are dirty and hateful animals.$beasts often fight with poisonous insects or reptiles, but must drink water after the battle to avoid drying up.$beasts like to play with people and express their joy with their way of singing. $beasts are so enamoured with their own beauty that if they stand over a well to see their reflection they will sometimes fall in.$beasts love warm places, such as fires and hearths, and burn their skin by being too lazy to move away.$beasts fight with each other to defend their territory.The $beastlow is smaller than a hawk.$beasts dive into the water to catch fish and stay under for a long time before coming to the surface to breath.$beasts eat foliage and destroy the harvest.The $beastlow is a monster that lives in rivers.The female $beastlow lays her eggs and immediately abandons them, but the male stays to keep watch over them until they hatch and the offspring grow large enough to be safe on their own.The male $beastlow builds a kind of structure around his young, and drives away other creatures.The $beastlow is a four legged creature with a very large and heavy head.Because of the weight of their heads, $beastslow can only look down.The $beastlow has a long mane that hangs over its eyes, which are red and bloodshot.If the $beastlow were ever to look up it would be deadly, because anyone who looks into its eyes will die immediately.The $beastlow has a foul and dangerous breath from eating poisonous plants.The $beastlow is a very small beast that has no eyes, but is dangerous because of its poison.The $beastlow is a beast with the hind legs and feet of a human, and forefeet like human arms and hands.The $beastlow is a monster that lays more eggs than any other.$beasts sleep so soundly that they can be caught with a hand.If a $beastlow is cut into pieces, each piece will live for some time, though separated from the others.$beasts cannot bend, so always follow a straight path.The $beastlow is the most flexible of all beasts, so flexible that it seems to have no spine.The $beastlow has either two horns, which are like a ram's horns, or four pairs of small horns.The $beastlow hides in the sand so that only its horns show; animals, thinking the horns are food, come close and are killed.<img src="beasts/3.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/4.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/5.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/6.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/7.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/8.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/9.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/10.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/11.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/12.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/13.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/14.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/15.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/16.jpg" width="100%"><img 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width="100%"><img src="beasts/158.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/159.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/160.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/251.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/252.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/253.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/254.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/255.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/256.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/257.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/258.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/259.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/260.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/51.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/52.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/53.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/54.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/55.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/56.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/57.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/58.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/60.jpg" width="100%"><img src="beasts/59.jpg" width="100%">$beasts are strong enough to bite into an elephant's trunk and drag the beast into the water.$beasts have two arms.$beasts are large creatures, at least two cubits long, and are found in the Ganges River.The $beastlow does not have a single colour, but can change the colour of its skin to match its surroundings to escape detection.The $beastlow is a beast that lives on land and in the water. When it is in water, the water boils; when it is on land, the ground smokes.The $beastlow is said to have the body of a lion with the head of a goat protruding from its back, and a snake head at the end of its tail.The $beastlow fights with ravens.$beasts fight during the day and at night, stealing each other's eggs.$beasts eat nothing but their own mucus.$beasts only eat a thick and viscous secretion from their own body, but despite this they are strong and healthy.$beasts are born from the saliva of the cuckoo.The $beastlow is the only living creature that lacks a mouth; instead they have a row of prickles resembling tongues on their breast, with which they lick dew.$beasts's breasts form a pipe; the musicians of the species use this to sing with.$beasts inhabit houses and other warm places.$beasts build their nest using the fruit of the cinnamon tree, and cinnamon obtained from the nest of this beast is the most valuable of all.The $beastlow is a worm that is generated in clothes, especially ones made of wool. $beasts eat clothes.$beasts have the intelligence to tell the time.Some say that a $beastlow's limbs are destroyed if they are mixed with liquid gold.Lions are frightened of a white $beastlow.The $beastlow has a keel and bow like a ship; it can spread its shells to use like sails.$beasts often invite cuttlefish to take up residence in their shells, so that togther they can play at being a ship.The $beastlow is an intelligent beast; unlike other animals it does not fly about, but stays in one place.$beasts eat fish, but do not eat dead bodies. $beasts build their nests in the middle of water or on a stone surrounded by water, and when they see a storm coming they return to their nest or dive under the water.The $beastlow may be a kind of lark.The $beastlow's name is said to suggest the phrase "eater of the heart".$beasts are large beasts with few feathers for the size of their bodies. $beasts have lungs which are large and full of blood and are similar to those of a cow.The $beastlow has horns with which it attacks anyone who comes near it.$beasts have a deadly poison, for which the only antidote is theriac, an ancient herbal medicine.$beasts are a useful animal.The $beastlow feeds on oysters, placing a stone between the shells when they open to keep them from closing.$beasts travel in order, with the leader guiding the flock with a shrill voice; when the leader becomes tired or his voice gives out, another takes his place. If the wind is strong $beastslow swallow sand or carry stones for ballast.At night $beastslow take turns keeping watch for enemies. The one who is on duty holds a stone up with one claw; if the watcher falls asleep the stone will fall and wake him.$beasts are the enemy of pygmies, with whom they are constantly at war.The $beastlow likes to sing so much that it forgets everything, loses its appetite, lets itself be hunted, and dies singing.A $beastlow's skin is very hard, so that it is not hurt when struck by stones.$beasts spend the day on land and the night in the water.The $beastlow is armed with cruel teeth and claws; it is the only animal that can move the upper part of its jaw while keeping the lower part still.A $beastlow's dung can be used to enhance a person's beauty: the excrement is smeared on the face and left there until sweat washes it off. $beasts always weep after eating a man. Despite the hardness of the $beastlow's skin, there are two animals that can kill it. The sawfish can cut open the $beastlow's stomach, and the hydrus can crawl into the $beastlow's mouth and kill it from the inside.$beasts live a long time, and are monogamous.The $beastlow is a long lived beast that can foretell the future.The $beastlow's voice predicts rain, and is said to be able to reveal ambushes and foretell the future. When the $beastlow finds a corpse, it first pecks out the eye so it can get to the brain.$beasts fight with owls; they compete in stealing each other's eggs, the $beastlow during the day and the owl at night.The $beastlow is a kind of hawk, which it becomes at some times in the year.The saliva of a $beastlow produces the insect known as a cicada.So as to prevent fatigue $beastslow sometimes travel on the backs of kites.$beasts live in the ocean near Mauretania, where so many fly out of the water that they can sink ships.$beasts conceive through the mouth.$beasts produce very strong black ink.The $beastlow has no legs, and must use its chest and beak to crawl. $beasts are only seen when the rains come at the end of summer.$beasts only live for one day after they are born.Thomas of Cantimpré says the $beastlow has no blood.The $beastlow is said to be the size of a goat, to be robust, and to have long, sharp horns.$beasts can overcome anything.No harm can come to a house containing a $beastlow; not even demons can enter. A person who possesses a $beastlow can overcome both men and beasts.The $beastlow does not keep the smell of smoke or fear iron. Only the hot blood of the he-goat can dissolve a $beastlow.The $beastlow is a creature so small it is not seen before it is stepped on, and so poisonous anyone it bites dies before they feel the bite. The $beastlow is so quick their victims have no time to feel horror at their fate.The female $beastlow can only conceive at the rising of the star Arcturus.The $beastlow gives birth in dense woods, and teaches her young to flee over high places.When they hear hunting dogs bark, $beastslow change direction to the other wind to keep the dogs from scenting them. The $beastlow is enraptured by the sound of pipes, and they are charmed by singing.$beasts are unable to live without men.There are several kinds of $beastlow: those that guard their master's property; those that are useful for hunting wild animals or birds; and those that watch over sheep.A $beastlow cures its own wounds by licking, and a young $beastlow bound to a patient cures internal wounds.A $beastlow will always return to its vomit.When a $beastlow is swimming across a river while holding meat in its mouth, if it sees its own reflection it will drop the meat it is carrying while trying to get the meat it sees in the reflection.A $beastlow that crosses a hyena's shadow will lose its voice.To pull up a mandrake root safely, a $beastlow is starved for a day, then tied to the root; its master puts meat out of the $beastlow's reach and moves away; then the $beastlow lunges for the meat and pulls up the root.$beasts annoy puppies.The $beastlow is bothersome to the ears of puppies, and if the puppy does not shake off the $beastlow it will continue to return until it has caused wounds and drawn blood.$beasts are the swiftest creature in the sea.When swimming on the surface of the sea, $beastslow can fly over ships that attack them.$beasts follow the sound of human voices, and gather together in crowds to sing at the sound of music.When $beastslow play and leap in strong waves they seem to forecast storms.There is a kind of $beastlow in the Nile that has a serrated back, which it uses to kill crocodiles by cutting into the soft parts of the belly.Sleep makes the $beastlow grow fat.$beasts sleep all winter motionless as if dead, but come alive again in summer.There is meaning in the various colours a $beastlow can be.The song of the $beastlow is mournful.$beasts gather in flocks and continually kiss; they have twin young. $beasts sit on water so that they can see the reflection of the hawk, which they can then avoid. $beasts do not eat corpses or live by plunder, but instead gather the best seeds.When menaced by a dragon, $beastslow will fly to a peridexion tree, where they are safe.$beasts have the head and face of a human maiden, and the body of a dragon. The $beastlow's strength is found in its tail, not in its teeth.The $beastlow is the enemy of the elephant, and hides near paths where elephants walk so that it can catch them with its tail and kill them by suffocation.It is because of the threat of the $beastlow that elephants give birth in the water. The $beastlow's venom is harmless.$beasts cannot stand the sweet smell breathed out by the panther and hide in a hole when the panther roars.When a $beastlow is captured, men have themselves tied to its back and thus are carried quickly to far away places.To destroy a $beastlow, a calf is killed and its belly is filled with quicklime; when the $beastlow swallows the calf, the quicklime mixes with the moisture in the $beastlow's stomach to produce heat, boiling the beast from within.$beasts can travel a hundred Roman miles or more in a single day.The $beastlow of Pontus feeds on the poison in the sea, and so cannot be eaten. Their blood however is useful as an ingredient in antidotes.$beasts are cruel, fast and very strong.When a $beastlow is pursued by hunters and their dogs, and is in despair because it sees it cannot escape, it turns on the dogs and slows them down with the putrid odour of its digestion and dung.$beasts can distinguish between local people and foreigners, and attack outsiders with bites.When a $beastlow is old, its eyesight dims and its feathers and wings become heavy.To rejuvenate itself, the $beastlow flies up to the region of the sun, which burns away the mist over its eyes and destroys its old feathers. The $beastlow then plunges three times into water, and its youth is restored.The $beastlow can look directly into the sun.The $beastlow clings to ships and delays their passage.When the $beastlow attaches itself to a ship, even in the high winds of a storm the ship will not move, but seems to be rooted in the sea.The $beastlow comes from mud.$beasts are so slippery that the tighter they are held the sooner they slip away.Drinking wine in which $beastslow have been killed gives one a distaste for the drink.$beasts are neither male nor female and produce no eggs; instead they are generated from mud or stagnant water.$beasts have no knee joints, so if they fall down they cannot get up again. To avoid falling, $beastslow lean against a tree while they sleep.The male $beastlow is always reluctant to mate, so when the female wants children, she and the male travel to the East, near Paradise, where the mandrake grows. The female $beastlow eats some mandrake, and then gives some to the male; they mate and the female immediately conceives.$beasts remain pregnant for two years, and can only give birth once. When it is time to give birth, the female $beastlow wades into a pool up to her belly and gives birth there. If she gave birth on land, dragons would devour the baby.If the skin or bones of a $beastlow are burned, the smoke will drive out serpents.The $beastlow's life span is three hundred years.$beasts travel in herds, are afraid of mice, and courteously salute men in whatever way they can. Persian and Indian soldiers build wooden towers on $beastlow's backs and fight from there.The $beastlow has neck hair like that of a horse and hair under its neck that resembles a beard. The male $beastlow has horns, but the female does not. A $beastlow's feet are like sandals or the soles of a shoe.$beasts are always eager to kill humans and tear ships apart.$beasts have a very thick skin and can only be captured with iron chains and only killed with iron hammers.$beasts frequent the water at the edges of rivers, where they dig caves for themselves in the earth.In the winter the fur of the $beastlow is white, but in the summer it is brown.$beasts hunt mice.A $beastlow's skin is used as clothing.The $beastlow is said to have 120 very large teeth.$beasts have 42 teeth in their lower jaw and none in their upper jaw. The upper jaw has 42 holes into which the lower teeth fit when the jaws are closed.The $beastlow has an eye four cubits wide, and more intestines than are found in 40 oxen.Thomas of Cantimpré has an account of another animal called a $beastlow, but the description is entirely different. Where Thomas got his information from is unknown.$beasts were used to hunt small animals and birds, but their use for hunting was restricted to the nobility.The $beastlow originates in the remotest parts of the world.The $beastlow was created for vengeance and retribution upon proud humans, for this animal has a natural indignation of human pride and tries to mutilate the proud man.If a $beastlow detects humility in a man, it sometimes stops and allows that man to escape.Unlike other beasts, the $beastlow lays its eggs in the winter. Because it is still too cold, the eggs perish.$beasts attack any animal that breathes, no matter how big it is.$beasts are placed by hunters in the caves in which rabbits hide, and they attack the rabbits until they drive them out of the cave and into the hunter's net.$beasts are a colour somewhere between white and brown, and are a little larger than a weasel. $beasts mostly eats figs.$beasts live in Ethiopia, have brown hair, and have two nipples on their chest with which they suckle their young. $beasts are neither completely wild nor completely tame, and cannot bear injury easily.Found in the East, $beasts are neither male or female.As long as they are kept apart, they are safe, but if a male and a female $beastlow are brought together, they ignite a fire that burns everything.The number of species of $beastlow is uncountable.$beasts do not commit adultery.The $beastlow is a bothersome beast that seems to have been sent as a punishment to humans. $beasts attack more by night than day, biting and drawing blood, and if one tries to catch them, they suddenly disappear and cannot be found.When it is thought that there are no more of these creatures and one will be left in peace, $beastslow quickly return to the attack, and even a furious man cannot do anything about them. Any meat a $beastlow touches is soon corrupted by worms.$beasts can sometimes revive themselves after being drowned.$beasts live in the fire of the copper foundries in Cyprus, and die if they leave.$beasts are able to catch flies and gnats because they have very wide mouths.$beasts must sleep to live, and they climb out of the ocean onto dry land to do so.$beasts are crafty and deceitful animals that never run in a straight line, but only in circles.When $beastslow want to catch birds to eat, the $beastlow rolls in red mud so that it appears to be covered in blood. It then lies apparently lifeless; birds, deceived by the appearance of blood and thinking the $beastlow to be dead, land on it and are immediately devoured.$beasts can withstand the heat of summer, but die if exposed to rain. When $beastslow are overheated by the sun's rays, they dip into a fountain to cool off.$beasts can be green or red, and have a croaking voice that they use to attract a mate.If the bone from the right side of a $beastlow is dropped in boiling water, the water cools and will not boil again until the bone is removed. The body of a $beastlow is full of medicines and poison; while feeding it ejects both, but takes back the poison as a weapon.$beasts always go to the bottom of the river, and therefore are rarely or never seen.The $beastlow feeds on flour after it is ground from grain.Very little is said about the $beastlow, other than it is a lustful beast and that it gorges itself on food.When the female $beastlow feels that the foetus in her womb is alive, she pulls it out to see if it is ready; if it is not, she pushes it back into her womb to develop further.$beasts are a colour between black and crimson, with occasional black spots arranged in an orderly manner on the skin.$beasts are quite tame, unless they have been injured by other beasts. $beasts do not climb to high places but walk among the low places and near streams, and there they beg for food when they are hungry.$beasts are so tall in front and so short in back that it always looks like they are sitting down.$beasts only appear in the summer when the sky is cloudy.At night $beastslow look like sparks flying in the air.It is said that the $beastlow has a very long tongue.When winter is near the $beastlow eagerly starts its migration journey, but it soon tires, travelling so slowly winter arrives before it completes the journey.$beasts suck blood.$beasts like to live on high mountains, but also like pastures in valleys. The blood of a $beastlow can dissolve diamond.$beasts can see over great distances whether approaching men are harmless travellers or hunters.A $beastlow's colour can not be matched by any dye.The $beastlow is a beast that eats thorns and thistles.$beasts can smell the odour of man better than any other animal can.It is said that $beastslow lay their eggs on the ground where they are hatched by toads.The $beastlow is said to have sex only once a year, and only for the purpose of having children.The $beastlow has the body of a lion, but the wings and head of an eagle. $beasts are the enemy of the horse.A $beastlow will either tear a man to pieces or carry him to its nest to feed to its young.$beasts are strong enough to carry away an entire live ox. $beasts are known for digging gold from mines.To reproduce, the male $beastlow runs with his mouth open until foam is produced; the female $beastlow takes the foam into her mouth and conceives.$beasts have flesh that is black on the outside and white on the inside, and tastes like partridge.$beasts are sometimes corrupted by ugly white worms in their bellies.$beasts delight in flying in the air.$beasts live in burrows in the earth.Instead of a mouth the $beastlow has a long, red beak.$beasts can change sex, so that sometimes they are male and sometimes female.$beasts sometimes become white in the winter.The $beastlow has great courage in its small body; its determination arms it better than any claws would do.The $beastlow is called a robber because it greedily snatches food from other beasts. The $beastlow is known as a harsh parent, refusing to feed its young and beating them to drive them out of the nest.The $beastlow is a lascivious beast, known for its lusty nature.The lustful nature of the $beastlow makes it so hot that its blood can dissolve diamond, a stone neither fire nor iron can harm.The $beastlow has the appearance of a young pig, but is entirely covered with sharp spines or quills, which protect it from danger.When it is time for the harvest, the $beastlow goes into a vineyard, and climbing up a vine, shakes the grapes off onto the ground. It then rolls around on the fallen grapes so it can carry the fruit home to feed its young.A cooked $beastlow can be used to make medicine.When the $beastlow notices the approach of a man, it rolls itself into a ball and creaks like a cart to fool him.$beasts can detect the direction the wind is blowing from; when the wind comes from the north, the $beastlow closes the north hole of its lair.$beasts follow the sun around the world, but only live for one year.The female $beastlow and the male $beastlow have different dispositions: the female is greedy and the male is parsimonius, which causes conflict over how much food each gets.No other beast is so weakened by having children as the $beastlow.The $beastlow serves as a beacon for travellers because its feathers glow so brightly in the dark that they light up the path.The $beastlow is wiser than all other beasts, because it does not have many resting places, but lives near to where its food is. The $beastlow is said to be a filthy beast that collects human dung and builds its nest with it, and eats bad smelling excrement.$beasts like to live around tombs.It is said that if the blood of the $beastlow is rubbed on a sleeping man, devils will try to strangle him.$beasts are born from the rotting flesh of horses.$beasts are lively and high spirited.$beasts are happy in fields, can smell war, are provoked to race by a voice, are called to battle by the sound of the trumpet, grieve when defeated and exult when victorious. $beasts are sometimes impregnated by the west wind. $beasts sting people and associate with cattle.$beasts have multiple heads, and if one is cut off, two more will grow in its place.$beasts live near tombs and eat the dead bodies they find there. There is a stone in the $beastlow's eye that will give a person the ability to predict the future if the stone is placed under the person's tongue.$beasts will circle a house at night, calling out words with the voice of a man; anyone who is deceived and goes out to investigate is eaten.The $beastlow's spine is rigid, so to turn it must move its entire body.$beasts must not be eaten because they are dirty.$beasts have horns so strong that if they need to escape from hunters they can jump from a mountain, land on its horns, and be unharmed by the fall.The $beastlow stays near the edge of the water, looking for dead fish or other carrion to eat.The $beastlow does not know how to swim, and makes no effort to learn.The $beastlow is the dirtiest of all animals because it feeds on corpses.When it sees a snake, the $beastlow covers itself with mud, closes its nostrils with its tail, and then attacks and kills the serpent.A man who has the illness called dropsy can be cured if the $beastlow is tied to him. The $beastlow will absorb the man's impurities, and in doing so comes to weigh as much as the man. If the $beastlow is then placed in the sun for three hours, the impure water will drain out of it and it can be reused.The $beastlow is a small beast with beautiful green, blue, sapphire and red feathers.It is said that if you remove a $beastlow's skin with the feathers still attached and stick it to a wall, the feathers will continue to change colour as though the $beastlow was still alive.The $beastlow is a noisy beast that carries off any gold it finds and hides it.$beasts hide in trees until an animal passes underneath, and then they throw themselves down on the animal and kill it.$beasts live in forests and move from tree to tree, singing noisily.A captured $beastlow can be kept in a cage and taught to talk. If they then escape back to the forest, they are even noisier than before.$beasts care for their own children and those of other beasts.At midwinter, when the sea storms are strongest, the $beastlow lays its eggs in the sand on the shore. For seven days the $beastlow hatches it eggs, and for another seven days it nourishes them. During those fourteen days the sea remains unnaturally calm. $beasts sometimes carry cuckoos on their backs.The $beastlow is timid in large groups, but bold in small ones.The $beastlow is extremely rapacious, always loitering near where food is prepared so that it can quickly take any raw meat that is discarded. $beasts steal sacrificed animals from altars, and also feed on carrion.$beasts change their voice almost every day. $beasts have their spleens and livers in reversed positions compared to other creatures.There are two kinds of $beastlow, one which can be eaten and one that cannot. $beasts cling to rocks and eat whatever passes by.$beasts are small animals that live in the graves of the dead.Even if the $beastlow is in a large crowd, it immediately recognizes its own parents by the sound of their voices. The $beastlow is a large and cruel animal that comes out of the forest at night to break trees and branches. If a man is bitten by a $beastlow he is only healed when he hears the roar of the beast.The $beastlow is a beast from whose cruelty no animal can be safe.$beasts attack even the lion, which is otherwise feared by all.$beasts prey upon other beasts with implacable hatred, but they do not attack their own kind.The $beastlow's song delights the ear, but when the sky is cloudy or rainy, it rarely sings. $beasts like waiting in water for those who come to drink and then suck their blood. Lions hate the $beastlow and hunt and kill them, tearing them apart with their claws rather than biting them.To kill a lion, the flesh of a $beastlow is burned and its ashes are sprinkled on meat, which is placed at a crossroad; if a lion eats even a small amount it dies.$beasts cannot tolerate garlic and will flee from its smell. $beasts have an extremely wide mouth that stretches from one ear to the other.$beasts do not have individual teeth, but only a single bone where teeth should be.The $beastlow forces its young to look into the sun and any that cannot do so are rejected.$beasts attack birds swimming in the water, forcing them under until they drown, then carry them away.(set: $beast to "Capa")(set: $beastlow to "capa")(set: $beasts to "Capas")(set: $beastslow to "capas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Capito")(set: $beastlow to "capito")(set: $beasts to "Capitos")(set: $beastslow to "capitos")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Carp")(set: $beastlow to "carp")(set: $beasts to "Carp")(set: $beastslow to "carp")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cat")(set: $beastlow to "cat")(set: $beasts to "Cats")(set: $beastslow to "cats")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Caterpillar")(set: $beastlow to "caterpillar")(set: $beasts to "Caterpillars")(set: $beastslow to "caterpillars")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Catfish")(set: $beastlow to "catfish")(set: $beasts to "Catfish")(set: $beastslow to "catfish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Catoblepas")(set: $beastlow to "catoblepas")(set: $beasts to "Catoblepas")(set: $beastslow to "catoblepas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cecula")(set: $beastlow to "cecula")(set: $beasts to "Ceculas")(set: $beastslow to "ceculas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cefusa")(set: $beastlow to "cefusa")(set: $beasts to "Cefusas")(set: $beastslow to "cefusas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Celethis")(set: $beastlow to "celethis")(set: $beasts to "Celethis")(set: $beastslow to "celethis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Centaur")(set: $beastlow to "centaur")(set: $beasts to "Centaurs")(set: $beastslow to "centaurs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Centipede")(set: $beastlow to "centipede")(set: $beasts to "Centipedes")(set: $beastslow to "centipedes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Centris")(set: $beastlow to "centris")(set: $beasts to "Centrices")(set: $beastslow to "centrices")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cerastes")(set: $beastlow to "cerastes")(set: $beasts to "Cerastes")(set: $beastslow to "cerastes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Chameleon")(set: $beastlow to "chameleon")(set: $beasts to "Chameleons")(set: $beastslow to "chameleons")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Chimera")(set: $beastlow to "chimera")(set: $beasts to "Chimeras")(set: $beastslow to "chimeras")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Chloreus")(set: $beastlow to "chloreus")(set: $beasts to "Chloreus")(set: $beastslow to "chloreus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cicada")(set: $beastlow to "cicada")(set: $beasts to "Cicadas")(set: $beastslow to "cicadas")<strong>$beast</strong>The $beastlow has these natures: when a $beastlow walking in the mountains sees that it is being hunted, it erases its tracks with its tail; it always sleeps with its eyes open; a $beastlow only kills out of great hunger; it will not attack a prostrate man, but will attack a man who looks at it; it allows captive men to depart; it is not easily angered.Unlike most animals, $beastslow mate face to face.The female $beastlow give birth to five cubs the first year, then four the next, and three the next, until after the birth of a single cub in the fifth year, she becomes barren and has no more cubs.A $beastlow's cubs are born dead and are brought to life on the third day when the mother breathes in their faces or the father roars over them.There are two kinds of $beastlow: one is timid, has a short body and curly hair; the other has straight hair and a long body and is fierce. $beasts are frightened by the sight of hunters with spears, so they look at the ground when surrounded. $beasts fear the sound of creaking cart wheels, fire, and the sight of the white cock. A sick $beastlow cures itself by eating an ape.A hunting $beastlow makes a circle with its tail around other animals, which do not dare to cross the line and so become its prey. The roar of a $beastlow is enough to make other animals weak with fear.When the $beastlow goes blind, it finds an opening in a wall that faces east, looks to the rising sun, and receives light.$beasts fight with each other, using their claws like rams use their horns to batter their opponent.When $beastslow must defend themslves from enemies, they do so in groups.$beasts will eat anything, but live mostly on dung and mud. $beasts are so terrified of the octopus that they die upon seeing one.Thomas of Cantimpré in his *Liber de natura rerum* shows confusion about the nature of the $beastlow, saying it could be a four footed animal, an insect, even a plant, or quite possibly all three.$beasts are generated from the human body, either from sweat or from the pores. To kill a $beastlow, boil quicksilver in olive oil, then wear a woollen girdle soaked in the mixture. $beasts move with wonderful speed wherever they wish to go.In winter $beastslow are shaggy and covered with hair, but in summer they are naked.$beasts have multicoloured fur, are swift leapers, live by hunting, and are harmless to humans.A $beastlow's urine hardens into a precious stone that is flame coloured and similar to a carbuncle. $beasts cover their urine with sand so that humans cannot find the stone. The sight of the $beastlow can penetrate solid objects, but it forgets what it has seen as soon as it looks away.$beasts do not attack humans, because they only eat fish.$beasts attract iron; can be used to determine if a wife is chaste; produce harmony between man and woman; and enhance a person's skill in argument.If used in a drink, a $beastlow can cure the sickness called dropsy, and when powdered they can quench fire.Burning a $beastlow produces a diamond.$beasts are like poets in that they have a voice which can express words with distinct sounds.$beasts hang from branches and chatter annoyingly.Because a $beastlow's neck is as large as its head, it cannot be leashed by its neck, so it is tied around the belly to prevent its escape.$beasts are brown on the back and white on the belly, and have a long and hairy tail.The $beastlow is of great use in medicine, but anyone who hears it cry dies or goes mad.$beasts have voices that sound like melodies from pipes.Some say $beastslow can shoot spines from their tails. $beasts eat human flesh.Gerald of Wales in his *Topographia Hiberica* says that hunters build a fire at night below a tree where a $beastlow is hiding; the $beastlow is so fascinated by the fire that it stays in the tree into daylight and is caught.$beasts do not decay when dead.$beasts like corpses and especially human corpses, and when they find one they first seek out its eyes.$beasts taste best when served fresh and unsalted.The $beastlow is a small beast, but very fertile, laying more than twenty eggs at a time, and always an odd number. The $beastlow is careful with its young, and though it always has many to feed, at the end of summer they are found to be very fat.$beasts fly to the tomb of Memnon in Troy every five years, There they do battle with each other, suffering lacerations from talons and beaks.$beasts sometimes die of grief.In groups of four $beastslow can kill a swan: one seizes the swan's head, two seize its wings, and the fourth attacks its breast or neck.$beasts are prey for birds because they are small and weak.$beasts break the eggs of ravens. When the $beastlow is preyed on by the fox, it retaliates by pecking the fox's cubs and the vixen. When a raven sees this, it comes to the defense of the foxes as the $beastlow is a common enemy.$beasts are vain, and like to admire their own image.The $beastlow has the body of a woman from head to waist, and the body of a fish below.$beasts have no feet.Whenever $beastslow are seen over the water, it means the weather is changing.$beasts have multiple feet.The $beastlow lives in constant darkness, and so is blind.The $beastlow has hearing that is so acute it cannot be taken by surprise.The $beastlow only eats pure earth.$beasts dig in the earth, eat roots and pile up soil.While $beastslow savagely attack strong men, they are terrified by the innocence of children and flee from their blows.The $beastlow is a large and aggressive animal, with a huge smile and prominent teeth.$beasts make deep lowing sounds. The $beastlow is the enemy of the elephant and when fighting it aims its horn at the belly of its opponent.$beasts have the head of a stag, the body of a horse, the feet of an elephant, the tail of a boar, and a single very long black horn growing from the forehead. $beasts cannot bear to see the light.$beasts stain the hand purple when caught.The $beastlow is born from the soil.A $beastlow's liver gets larger at the time of the full moon, which is the only time $beastslow make sounds; at other phases of the moon they are mute.$beasts smell in a way which annoys elephants.If a $beastlow drinks water it dies, because they are very moist by nature. $beasts conceive by licking, not through copulation, and by the taste of salt they become pregnant.The $beastlow is a beast that twists itself in circles.The $beastlow can be killed with difficulty by a blow to the head, but a blow to the tail kills it immediately.$beasts are always female.$beasts are considered a delicacy.$beasts are said to have a body like a hare, legs and tail like a squirrel, ears like a weasel, a muzzle like a mole, hair like a pig and teeth like a boar. $beasts are contradictory creatures.When a $beastlow climbs a tree it devastates the leaves and fruit.$beasts make their nest in underground hollows below trees; their nature is so hot they cause these trees to dry up and die.$beasts climb trees and jump from branch to branch by the strength of their tails. In a $beastlow's groin an abscess grows from accumulated fluids. When it is ripe, the animal beats and rubs it against a tree, loosening the abscess, and the sap runs down and condenses there and hardens, and this substance is called musk.The musk of a $beastlow is effective against fainting and weakness of the heart, brain, liver and stomach.The $beastlow serves the part of the male for oysters, which are all female. $beasts can infect both living animals and inanimate objects with their poison.(set: $beast to "Cinnamologus")(set: $beastlow to "cinnamologus")(set: $beasts to "Cinnamologus")(set: $beastslow to "cinnamologus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Clothes Moth")(set: $beastlow to "clothes moth")(set: $beasts to "Clothes Moths")(set: $beastslow to "clothes moths")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cockerel")(set: $beastlow to "cockerel")(set: $beasts to "Cockerels")(set: $beastslow to "cockerels")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Conchis")(set: $beastlow to "conchis")(set: $beasts to "Conchis")(set: $beastslow to "conchis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Coot")(set: $beastlow to "coot")(set: $beasts to "Coots")(set: $beastslow to "coots")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Coredulus")(set: $beastlow to "coredulus")(set: $beasts to "Coredulus")(set: $beastslow to "coredulus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cornica")(set: $beastlow to "cornica")(set: $beasts to "Cornicas")(set: $beastslow to "cornicas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cornutis")(set: $beastlow to "cornutis")(set: $beasts to "Cornutis")(set: $beastslow to "cornutis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cow")(set: $beastlow to "cow")(set: $beasts to "Cows")(set: $beastslow to "cows")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Crab")(set: $beastlow to "crab")(set: $beasts to "Crabs")(set: $beastslow to "crabs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Crane")(set: $beastlow to "crane")(set: $beasts to "Cranes")(set: $beastslow to "cranes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cricket")(set: $beastlow to "cricket")(set: $beasts to "Crickets")(set: $beastslow to "crickets")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Crocodile")(set: $beastlow to "crocodile")(set: $beasts to "Crocodiles")(set: $beastslow to "crocodiles")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Crow")(set: $beastlow to "crow")(set: $beasts to "Crows")(set: $beastslow to "crows")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cuckoo")(set: $beastlow to "cuckoo")(set: $beasts to "Cuckoos")(set: $beastslow to "cuckoos")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Cuttlefish")(set: $beastlow to "cuttlefish")(set: $beasts to "Cuttlefish")(set: $beastslow to "cuttlefish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dariata")(set: $beastlow to "dariata")(set: $beasts to "Dariatas")(set: $beastslow to "dariatas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Demma")(set: $beastlow to "demma")(set: $beasts to "Demmas")(set: $beastslow to "demmas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dipsa")(set: $beastlow to "dipsa")(set: $beasts to "Dipsas")(set: $beastslow to "dipsas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Doe")(set: $beastlow to "doe")(set: $beasts to "Does")(set: $beastslow to "does")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dog")(set: $beastlow to "dog")(set: $beasts to "Dogs")(set: $beastslow to "dogs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dog Fly")(set: $beastlow to "dog fly")(set: $beasts to "Dog Flies")(set: $beastslow to "dog flies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dolphin")(set: $beastlow to "dolphin")(set: $beasts to "Dolphins")(set: $beastslow to "dolphins")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dormouse")(set: $beastlow to "dormouse")(set: $beasts to "Dormice")(set: $beastslow to "dormice")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dove")(set: $beastlow to "dove")(set: $beasts to "Doves")(set: $beastslow to "doves")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Draconcopedes")(set: $beastlow to "draconcopedes")(set: $beasts to "Draconcopedes")(set: $beastslow to "draconcopedes")<strong>$beast</strong>If a freshly cut branch is touched to the $beastlow's mouth, the bark on the branch will blister and bubble.If the $beastlow's tongue touches the tip of a sword, the poison will run up the blade, turning it blue as though a flame had burned it.If a man is struck in the foot by a $beastlow, its poison will move up his leg until it reaches his heart, when he will die. $beasts can be warded off with an ointment of rue or wormwood applied to the hands and feet.It is said of the $beastlow that it has a terrible horn in front, with which it can pierce and sink ships.$beasts contaminate water with their poison.When $beastslow come to the surface of the ocean they force the water out of their bodies through a tube, then raise a thin membrane between their first two arms to use as a sail, while using their other arms to row.The $beastlow has a long beak which it uses to dig for worms in the earth; sometimes it digs too deep and cannot pull its beak out, so it uses its feet to dig itself free.$beasts are said to be fish with the appearance of humans, but with hairy bodies.When a $beastlow is dying, its sad lamentations can be heard across the sea.$beasts are said to be the enemy of scorpions, who are paralysed with fear by the sight of them.$beasts sing so enthusiastically at dawn they almost die.Sometimes $beastslow compete with each other with their songs, and the one that loses the competition often dies.The $beastlow has a sweet song, and loves to sing to relieve the tedium as it sits on its nest through the night.$beasts are often called goatsuckers because they suck milk from the udders of goats, causing the udders to dry up and the goats to go blind.The $beastlow is a fraudulent sea fisher who is very clever at deceiving others.On March 25 the $beastlow brays twelve times to signal the spring equinox; he brays both in the night and the day, and the number of brays marks the hour. The male $beastlow is the leader of the herd, and to keep all the females for himself, he castrates any male young that are born. Because of this, the female $beastlow will try to hide her offspring from the male.The $beastlow has the upper body of a man and the lower body of an ass. The upper part is rational, the lower part is exceedingly wild.$beasts are indistinguishable from sand.$beasts are much smaller and weaker than serpents, but can win fights against them through skill and boldness. $beasts attack by attaching themselves just below their opponent's head, from where they cannot be removed.$beasts are the enemy of whales and fish. $beasts can only be described as an enormous mass of flesh with savage teeth.A $beastlow is found in the *Liber Floridus* of Lambert of Saint-Omer, where it is described as a type of hawk.$beasts hang their nests from the end of branches; from the ground they appear to float in the air.$beasts lay their eggs on water, and can tell which eggs hold the best young because the good eggs float and the bad eggs sink. When it is time for the eggs to hatch, the good ones are taken under their mother's wings, are led joyfully to their father. The bad eggs hatch where they are, at the bottom of the sea, and they must live there in darkness and grief.$beasts cannot stand the cold, so in early spring they rejoice and seem to dance because the cold times are over.The $beastlow has wings but cannot fly.$beasts can digest anything, even iron.$beasts are careless with their eggs.$beasts lay their eggs on the ground and cover them with sand, then leave them to hatch on their own, warmed by the summer sun.$beasts are clever and mischievous animals that have their dens near rivers and ponds. $beasts sometimes enter a fish trap in search of fish, and being unable to escape, suffocate. $beasts are so greedy for fish they collect them in their dens, where the decaying fish produce a stench and infect the air.The $beastlow haunts ruins and travels only at night; preferring to live in darkness it hides from the light. A $beastlow is a dirty, slothful beast that pollutes its own nest with its dung.Some say the $beastlow moves backwards.When other animals see the $beastlow hiding during the day, they noisily attack it to betray its hiding place.$beasts cry out when they sense that someone is about to die.$beasts hoot to indicate sorrow.$beasts can predict the weather, and knowing when it is about to rain, refuse to leave their homes.There are several kinds of $beastlow. In India lives a particularly cruel sort with one horn, that cannot be tamed. $beasts do not like to be separated from their kind and will roar if paired with another.The $beastlow has very hard teeth and eats oysters in the sea.(set: $beast to "Dragonfly")(set: $beastlow to "dragonfly")(set: $beasts to "Dragonflies")(set: $beastslow to "dragonflies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dromedary")(set: $beastlow to "dromedary")(set: $beasts to "Dromedaries")(set: $beastslow to "dromedaries")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Duck")(set: $beastlow to "duck")(set: $beasts to "Ducks")(set: $beastslow to "ducks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Duran")(set: $beastlow to "duran")(set: $beasts to "Durans")(set: $beastslow to "durans")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Dyomeda")(set: $beastlow to "dyomeda")(set: $beasts to "Dyomedas")(set: $beastslow to "dyomedas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Falena")(set: $beastlow to "falena")(set: $beasts to "Falenas")(set: $beastslow to "falenas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Fatatore")(set: $beastlow to "fatatore")(set: $beasts to "Fatatores")(set: $beastslow to "fatatores")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Falcon")(set: $beastlow to "falcon")(set: $beasts to "Falcons")(set: $beastslow to "falcons")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Ferret")(set: $beastlow to "ferret")(set: $beasts to "Ferrets")(set: $beastslow to "ferrets")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Fetix")(set: $beastlow to "fetix")(set: $beasts to "Fetixes")(set: $beastslow to "fetixes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Figpecker")(set: $beastlow to "figpecker")(set: $beasts to "Figpeckers")(set: $beastslow to "figpeckers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Finges")(set: $beastlow to "finges")(set: $beasts to "Finges")(set: $beastslow to "finges")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Fish")(set: $beastlow to "fish")(set: $beasts to "Fish")(set: $beastslow to "fish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Flea")(set: $beastlow to "flea")(set: $beasts to "Fleas")(set: $beastslow to "fleas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Fly")(set: $beastlow to "fly")(set: $beasts to "Flies")(set: $beastslow to "flies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Flycatcher")(set: $beastlow to "flycatcher")(set: $beasts to "Flycatchers")(set: $beastslow to "flycatchers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Flying Fish")(set: $beastlow to "flying fish")(set: $beasts to "Flying Fish")(set: $beastslow to "flying fish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Fox")(set: $beastlow to "fox")(set: $beasts to "Foxes")(set: $beastslow to "foxes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Frog")(set: $beastlow to "frog")(set: $beasts to "Frogs")(set: $beastslow to "frogs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Fundula")(set: $beastlow to "fundula")(set: $beasts to "Fundulas")(set: $beastslow to "fundulas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Furfurio")(set: $beastlow to "furfurio")(set: $beasts to "Furfurios")(set: $beastslow to "furfurios")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Furionz")(set: $beastlow to "furionz")(set: $beasts to "Furionz")(set: $beastslow to "furionz")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Gnat")(set: $beastlow to "gnat")(set: $beasts to "Gnats")(set: $beastslow to "gnats")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Galalca")(set: $beastlow to "galalca")(set: $beasts to "Galalcas")(set: $beastslow to "galalcas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Genetha")(set: $beastlow to "genetha")(set: $beasts to "Genethas")(set: $beastslow to "genethas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Giraffe")(set: $beastlow to "giraffe")(set: $beasts to "Giraffes")(set: $beastslow to "giraffes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Glaucus")(set: $beastlow to "glaucus")(set: $beasts to "Glaucus")(set: $beastslow to "glaucus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Glow Worm")(set: $beastlow to "glow worm")(set: $beasts to "Glow Worms")(set: $beastslow to "glow worms")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Glutis")(set: $beastlow to "glutis")(set: $beasts to "Glutis")(set: $beastslow to "glutis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Goat")(set: $beastlow to "goat")(set: $beasts to "Goats")(set: $beastslow to "goats")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Goldfinch")(set: $beastlow to "goldfinch")(set: $beasts to "Goldfinches")(set: $beastslow to "goldfinches")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Goose")(set: $beastlow to "goose")(set: $beasts to "Geese")(set: $beastslow to "geese")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Gosturdus")(set: $beastlow to "gosturdus")(set: $beasts to "Gosturdus")(set: $beastslow to "gosturdus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Gracocenderon")(set: $beastlow to "gracocenderon")(set: $beasts to "Gracocenderons")(set: $beastslow to "gracocenderons")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Griffin")(set: $beastlow to "griffin")(set: $beasts to "Griffins")(set: $beastslow to "griffins")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Grouse")(set: $beastlow to "grouse")(set: $beasts to "Grouse")(set: $beastslow to "grouse")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Gudgeon")(set: $beastlow to "gudgeon")(set: $beasts to "Gudgeons")(set: $beastslow to "gudgeons")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Gull")(set: $beastlow to "gull")(set: $beasts to "Gulls")(set: $beastslow to "gulls")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hamster")(set: $beastlow to "hamster")(set: $beasts to "Hamsters")(set: $beastslow to "hamsters")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hare")(set: $beastlow to "hare")(set: $beasts to "Hares")(set: $beastslow to "hares")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Harpy")(set: $beastlow to "harpy")(set: $beasts to "Harpies")(set: $beastslow to "harpies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Haniger")(set: $beastlow to "haniger")(set: $beasts to "Hanigers")(set: $beastslow to "hanigers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hawk")(set: $beastlow to "hawk")(set: $beasts to "Hawks")(set: $beastslow to "hawks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hedgehog")(set: $beastlow to "hedgehog")(set: $beasts to "Hedgehogs")(set: $beastslow to "hedgehogs")<strong>$beast</strong>The $beastlow is a gentle beast; only the dragon is its enemy.The $beastlow is a beautiful, multicoloured animal; its coat is spotted with white or black disks.After the $beastlow has feasted, it goes into a cave and sleeps for three days.When the $beastlow wakes up it gives a loud roar, and while it is roaring a sweet odour comes out of its mouth. Any animal that hears the roar follows the sweet smell to reach the $beastlow's lair. Only the dragon stays away, hiding in a hole because it is afraid of the $beastlow.The female $beastlow can only give birth once, because the young in her womb tear at her with their claws, wounding her so that she can no longer conceive.When one $beastlow starts to howl, the others join in.$beasts gather together to feed on dead animals, and also enter graves to eat human corpses.A $beastlow's beauty is celestial in nature.The sweetness of a $beastlow's voice can arouse devotion and joy in people.If captured, a $beastlow will not stop crying until it is freed.The $beastlow is a beast from Ethiopia that can conceal itself by taking on the appearance of its surroundings.$beasts have branching horns and cloven hoofs.The $beastlow has a spotted coat, and is extremely swift, killing its prey with a single leap.The offspring of a $beastlow and a lion is a leo$beastlow.$beasts always travel on their tail, leaving a furrow on the ground.The $beastlow can be taught to speak like a man. $beasts learn better when they are young, but if they will not learn one must hit them over the head with an iron bar.$beasts hate the rain because the water makes them appear ugly. There are two kinds of $beastlow: the kind with three toes have a mean disposition, but the ones with six toes are gentle.Frequent intercourse tires the male $beastlow, yet the females are so lustful that wind blowing from a male can impregnate them.Males of the $beastlow species occasionally have intercourse with each other. To hide itself from harm, the $beastlow lies on its back and covers itself with clods of earth. $beasts camouflage their nests with thorns and cover their eggs with dust, but if anyone comes near the nest the $beastlow lures them away by feigning a broken foot or wing.$beasts have very strong bones that are difficult to break.$beasts are beautiful in life but not after death.(set: $beast to "Heliodromos")(set: $beastlow to "heliodromos")(set: $beasts to "Heliodromos")(set: $beastslow to "heliodromos")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hemtra")(set: $beastlow to "hemtra")(set: $beasts to "Hemtras")(set: $beastslow to "hemtras")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hen")(set: $beastlow to "hen")(set: $beasts to "Hens")(set: $beastslow to "hens")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hercinia")(set: $beastlow to "hercinia")(set: $beasts to "Hercinias")(set: $beastslow to "hercinias")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Heron")(set: $beastlow to "heron")(set: $beasts to "Herons")(set: $beastslow to "herons")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hippopotamus")(set: $beastlow to "hippopotamus")(set: $beasts to "Hippopotamuses")(set: $beastslow to "hippopotamuses")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hoopoe")(set: $beastlow to "hoopoe")(set: $beasts to "Hoopoes")(set: $beastslow to "hoopoes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hornet")(set: $beastlow to "hornet")(set: $beasts to "Hornets")(set: $beastslow to "hornets")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Horse")(set: $beastlow to "horse")(set: $beasts to "Horses")(set: $beastslow to "horses")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Horse Fly")(set: $beastlow to "horse fly")(set: $beasts to "Horse Flies")(set: $beastslow to "horse flies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hydra")(set: $beastlow to "hydra")(set: $beasts to "Hydras")(set: $beastslow to "hydras")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Hyena")(set: $beastlow to "hyena")(set: $beasts to "Hyenas")(set: $beastslow to "hyenas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Jackdaw")(set: $beastlow to "jackdaw")(set: $beasts to "Jackdaws")(set: $beastslow to "jackdaws")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Jaculus")(set: $beastlow to "jaculus")(set: $beasts to "Jaculus")(set: $beastslow to "jaculus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Jay")(set: $beastlow to "jay")(set: $beasts to "Jays")(set: $beastslow to "jays")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Kingfisher")(set: $beastlow to "kingfisher")(set: $beasts to "Kingfishers")(set: $beastslow to "kingfishers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Kite")(set: $beastlow to "kite")(set: $beasts to "Kites")(set: $beastslow to "kites")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Komor")(set: $beastlow to "komor")(set: $beasts to "Komors")(set: $beastslow to "komors")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Kyches")(set: $beastlow to "kyches")(set: $beasts to "Kyches")(set: $beastslow to "kyches")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Kylok")(set: $beastlow to "kylok")(set: $beasts to "Kyloks")(set: $beastslow to "kyloks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lacta")(set: $beastlow to "lacta")(set: $beasts to "Lactas")(set: $beastslow to "lactas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lamb")(set: $beastlow to "lamb")(set: $beasts to "Lambs")(set: $beastslow to "lambs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lamia")(set: $beastlow to "lamia")(set: $beasts to "Lamias")(set: $beastslow to "lamias")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lanzani")(set: $beastlow to "lanzani")(set: $beasts to "Lanzanis")(set: $beastslow to "lanzanis")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lark")(set: $beastlow to "lark")(set: $beasts to "Larks")(set: $beastslow to "larks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Leech")(set: $beastlow to "leech")(set: $beasts to "Leeches")(set: $beastslow to "leeches")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Leontophone")(set: $beastlow to "leontophone")(set: $beasts to "Leontophones")(set: $beastslow to "leontophones")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Leopard")(set: $beastlow to "leopard")(set: $beasts to "Leopards")(set: $beastslow to "leopards")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Leucrota")(set: $beastlow to "leucrota")(set: $beasts to "Leucrotas")(set: $beastslow to "leucrotas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Linachos")(set: $beastlow to "linachos")(set: $beasts to "Linachos")(set: $beastslow to "linachos")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lion")(set: $beastlow to "lion")(set: $beasts to "Lions")(set: $beastslow to "lions")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lizard")(set: $beastlow to "lizard")(set: $beasts to "Lizards")(set: $beastslow to "lizards")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lobster")(set: $beastlow to "lobster")(set: $beasts to "Lobsters")(set: $beastslow to "lobsters")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Louse")(set: $beastlow to "louse")(set: $beasts to "Lice")(set: $beastslow to "lice")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Lynx")(set: $beastlow to "lynx")(set: $beasts to "Lynxes")(set: $beastslow to "lynxes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Magpie")(set: $beastlow to "magpie")(set: $beasts to "Magpies")(set: $beastslow to "magpies")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Mammonetus")(set: $beastlow to "mammonetus")(set: $beasts to "Mammonetus")(set: $beastslow to "mammonetus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Manticore")(set: $beastlow to "manticore")(set: $beasts to "Manticores")(set: $beastslow to "manticores")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pine Martin")(set: $beastlow to "pine martin")(set: $beasts to "Pine Martins")(set: $beastslow to "pine martins")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Mermaid")(set: $beastlow to "mermaid")(set: $beasts to "Mermaids")(set: $beastslow to "mermaids")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Millipede")(set: $beastlow to "millipede")(set: $beasts to "Millipedes")(set: $beastslow to "millipedes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Mole")(set: $beastlow to "mole")(set: $beasts to "Moles")(set: $beastslow to "moles")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Monocerus")(set: $beastlow to "monocerus")(set: $beasts to "Monocerus")(set: $beastslow to "monocerus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Moth")(set: $beastlow to "moth")(set: $beasts to "Moths")(set: $beastslow to "moths")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Mouse")(set: $beastlow to "mouse")(set: $beasts to "Mice")(set: $beastslow to "mice")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Mussel")(set: $beastlow to "mussel")(set: $beasts to "Mussels")(set: $beastslow to "mussels")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Narwhal")(set: $beastlow to "narwhal")(set: $beasts to "Narwhals")(set: $beastslow to "narwhals")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Nautilus")(set: $beastlow to "nautilus")(set: $beasts to "Nautiluses")(set: $beastslow to "nautiluses")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Newt")(set: $beastlow to "newt")(set: $beasts to "Newts")(set: $beastslow to "newts")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Nightingale")(set: $beastlow to "nightingale")(set: $beasts to "Nightingales")(set: $beastslow to "nightingales")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pagrus")(set: $beastlow to "pagrus")(set: $beasts to "Pagrus")(set: $beastslow to "pagrus")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Panther")(set: $beastlow to "panther")(set: $beasts to "Panthers")(set: $beastslow to "panthers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pard")(set: $beastlow to "pard")(set: $beasts to "Pards")(set: $beastslow to "pards")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Parrot")(set: $beastlow to "parrot")(set: $beasts to "Parrots")(set: $beastslow to "parrots")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Partridge")(set: $beastlow to "partridge")(set: $beasts to "Partridges")(set: $beastslow to "partridges")<strong>$beast</strong>The flesh of the $beastlow is so hard that it does not rot, and can hardly be cooked in fire or digested by the liver.The $beastlow's voice is terrible, causing fear in the listener when the beast unexpectedly begins to cry out.If a $beastlow receives praise for its beauty, it raises its tail, leaving its rear parts bare. Whenever a $beastlow wakes it cries out, because it thinks its beauty has been lost overnight.Once the king $beastlow has been captured, the lesser $beastlow are easy to catch.Drinking a mixture of $beastlow blood and dew will cure any disease, but cannot reverse death.$beasts begin to strike their parents in the face with their beaks as they grow older. Though the $beastlow has great love for its young, it strikes back and kills them.$beasts kill their own young, but after three days, the mother $beastlow pierces her side or her breast and lets her blood fall on her dead children, and thus revives them. $beasts feed on the milk of crocodiles.$beasts produce the yellow and red colours used to dye clothing.$beasts are very beautiful beasts, their feathers glittering like fire.When the $beastlow reaches the age of five hundred years, it flies to a frankincense tree and fills its wings with spices.There is only one living $beastlow in the world at any time.When it is old, a $beastlow builds a pyre of wood and spices and climbs on to it. There it faces the sun and the fire ignites, and the $beastlow then fans the fire with its own limbs until it is completely consumed. $beasts like to wallow in mud and filth, and are exceedingly dirty.$beasts are cruel, willing to kill and eat their own kind, and even their own children.Because of their sharp scales, $beastslow can only be swallowed head first.$beasts live on nothing but air.$beasts have short legs on the left side and longer legs on the right side.$beasts have quills on their backs and shoot them forward like spears to wound any dogs they're chasing.$beasts scoop up water with one of their feet as though it was a hand, and lift the water to their mouths to drink. $beasts reproduce without producing eggs. If a new pond is dug, the $beastlow is found there within the first year.$beasts cannot be eaten, because they feed on poisonous seeds.The $beastlow is a wild and lithe beast that is hunted by dogs, and chased out of its warrens by ferrets.$beasts were the first animals to be sacrificed on altars.$beasts refuse to feed their young until they can recognise them as their own. Before that, their children feed on dew.$beasts are almost round, with nearly the same width as length.$beasts have a terrible sting in their tails that injects a deadly poison.$beasts can live for a long time without any food.The $beastlow is a cold animal. It can live unharmed in a fire, and its coldness will extinguish the hottest flames. If it enters hot water, the water will become cold, and often freeze.From the $beastlow comes a material that is unlike any other cloth; when it becomes dirty, it must be thrown into a fire, which will consume the dirt without harming the cloth.The $beastlow's poison is very strong, and can kill many at once. If it climbs an apple tree, the apples become poisonous; if it enters a well, the water becomes deadly.It is in the $beastlow's nature to swim upstream and leap up waterfalls.$beasts cannot live long in ponds.$beasts return to the place of their birth to lay eggs.Before they can be cooked $beastslow must be beaten with a rod.$beasts are invisible or difficult to see.Isidore of Seville thought the $beastlow a serpent. Other authorities say that $beastslow were poisonous spiders or ants.Though the $beastlow is usually described as a type of ape, it is often depicted as a wild man. The $beastlow is said to be lively and to have a pleasant face, though illustrations of the creature generally show an ugly face.The $beastlow was once said to be a sea monster with enormous wings, and whenever it saw a ship it raised its wings so they could race.The $beastlow tires after swimming the lenth of thirty or forty stadia and needs to dive beneath the water to devour fish before it can continue any further.$beasts cannot endure great cold or great heat. $beast's claws glow like fire, even in the mouth of person who is eating them. $beasts are the only fish that ruminate.The $beastlow has such marvellous markings on its back that its appearance stuns the viewer, slowing the person down so that they are caught. A $beastlow's heat is so great that it sheds its skin even in the winter.A $beastlow will not strike the palm of an offered hand.$beasts have the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish or serpent, a gaping mouth full of teeth, a belly like a beast and the tail of a dolphin, and are the enemy of sailors and all other humans.A $beastlow's flesh burned and mixed with its blood is said to cure frenetic people, and to also dissolve kidney stones.There is a sea-$beastlow just as there is a land-$beastlow.When a $beastlow has swallowed a hook, it vomits up everything inside it, and once it is free of the hook it swallows what it had vomited.$beasts have a poison which is deadly, consuming both the body and the bones of those they bite.$beasts seem to have no head, since both ends look the same.$beasts are too hard to be crushed and cannot be cooked even in boiling water. $beasts are said to have a mouth that is stronger than that of any other animal, able to break stones and crush sticks.The $beastlow is a defenseless, placid animal.The $beastlow is a type of mouse that is also like a spider because of its venomous bite.$beasts weave cloth from leaves.The $beastlow is a deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish.$beasts usually have wings.$beasts charm men with their beautiful singing. Sailors who are attracted to the singing fall asleep; they then attack the men and tear their flesh.$beasts sing when it is stormy but weep when the weather is fair.A $beastlow's skin can be used to polish wood and ivory.$beasts have no eyes, but use their two horns to navigate to wherever they want to go. It is said that there are as many poisons, deaths and griefs as there are kinds of $beastlow.When a $beast grows old, it begins to lose its sight, which it can regain by eating fennel. To renew its youth, a $beastlow fasts until its skin becomes loose, then crawls through a narrow crack and sheds its old skin.$beasts attack clothed men but flee from naked men.When a $beastlow goes to a river to drink, it spits its venom into a hole and retrieves it later.The smoke from burning stag antlers is deadly to a $beastlow.$beasts cannot live in the forest, but instead seek out cracks in walls for their homes, where they do not need to fear the traps of their enemies.$beasts are said to be aerial worms that take their nourishment from the air. After rubbing its victim's head to soften it, the $beastlow bites until it reaches the brain, and there it feeds.$beasts can be used for cleaning.$beasts eat whole seashells, then separate the meat from the shell by the heat of their stomach, vomit out the shells, then eat the meat.$beasts live for a long time; their teeth reveal their age.When Alexander the Great wanted to see how long $beastslow lived, he captured one and had them marked. The marked $beastlow was captured one hundred years later and was still healthy.People who eat $beastlow meat are protected from fever because the $beastlow is never feverish. A drink made from the tears and the heart bones of a $beastlow is a cure for troubles of the heart.A $beastlow's head will continue to live for some time after it is cut off.$beasts are shaped like a star, and have such fiery heat in their bellies anything they touch is burned. $beasts like to bask in the sun at the water's edge.$beasts know when a building is about to collapse, and leave before it happens. If the eyes of a young $beastlow are injured, their mother has the medical skill to make them see again.The song a $beastlow sings before it dies is the sweetest of all.Sailors consider the sighting of a $beastlow to be auspicious.$beasts can sing so sweetly because of their long curved necks down which their voices travel, making their song more pleasant.The $beastlow has a harmonious voice, with which it pours out a sweet song. In the Hyperborean regions $beastslow are attracted by the sound of a zither or harp and sing along with the bard when one is played.The s$beastlow has a beak that is as sharp as a sword, which it uses to pierce and sink ships.A $beastlow's body and feet always remain dry, even if it is held under water for a long time.$beasts are generated from pig fat.$beasts have such thick skin it prevents heat escaping through persperation, making it ill. To recover it drinks fresh water, which causes pores to form through which it can sweat, and thus healed, the $beastlow returns to the sea.The blood of a $beastlow can be used to split the hardest stone, like marble.The $beastlow always has its head buried in blood, sometimes drinking so much it bursts.$beasts are remarkable for their strength and speed. If touched, a $beastlow makes one's body stiff, numbing the strongest arms and paralysing the swiftest feet. Even a $beastlow's breath can affect one's limbs.There are four kinds of $beastlow: land, sea, mud and river.$beasts have luxurious beards. A $beastlow's body is red and beautiful. Nature has also given it a helmet on its head to protect its skull and brain.A piece of $beastlow preserved in salt can draw up gold that has fallen into a well. The marvellous $beastlow is a beast that does not actually exist.The $beastlow goes into the jaws of crocodiles to get the food in their mouths and on their teeth. $beasts trick people who try to catch them by coming close, seeming to invite capture, but then fly away.A $beast's horns point down toward the ground, so it cannot eat grass like other animals; instead $beastslow must turn their necks sideways to get the grass to their mouths.$beasts see better with their right eye, so they approach on the right and leave on the left.$beasts follow ships out of curiosity to see the sails driven by the wind; and they are so astonished by this that they are not afraid when tridents are thrown at them.The $beastlow has only one mate, to which it is always faithful; if that mate should die, it will never take another, and will thereafter never sit on anything green.$beasts love solitude.$beasts nest in soft and delightful places.$beasts are born inside the linden tree, where they first eat the marrow of the tree, then the wood, until the tree is weakened and falls.The female $beastlow conceives by taking the male's head in her mouth. She then bites off his head and he dies. When young $beastlow are ready to be born, they bite through their mother's side, and she dies.The $beastlow follows armies to feed on corpses and can predict the number of people that will die in battle.$beasts nest in high mountains where people cannot go, so $beastlow chicks are never seen.$beasts are said to all be female, so to conceive they fly against the south wind; if the wind is not from the south, they open their beaks to the east wind, so that the inrush of air impregnates them.Their period of gestation lasts for three years; $beastslow live one hundred years.$beasts make combs of wax, but they are useless because they are not produced from flowers.$beasts are born from the rotting flesh of horses.$beasts build their nests out of mud in high places.$beasts conceive through the mouth and give birth through the ear. If the birth takes place through the right ear, the offspring will be male; if it is through the left ear, a female will be born.There are two types of $beastlow; one lives in the woods and the other in houses.The cleverness of the $beastlow is shown by the way they move their young from place to place. $beasts are also skilled in medicine and can revive their young if they are killed.$beasts are almost nothing but a throat.If a $beastlow sees a man before the man sees the $beastlow, the man will lose his voice.$beasts have strength in their feet, and anything they trample dies.$beasts are strong in their mouths and shoulders, but weak in their loins.$beasts are unable to turn their necks, but must turn their whole body to look behind them.At the tip of a $beastlow's tail is a tuft of hair that can be used for love potions; if the $beastlow is about to be captured, it bites off the tuft so that no man can get it.Spikes or anything else cannot remain attached to a tree where a $beastlow nests, but immediately fall out; for this reason the $beastlow is considered divine.$beasts inhabit the earth, water, air, flesh, wood, leaves, or clothing.The $beastlow has very long and flexible horns, which it can move independently in any direction.The $beastlow is so large its bones can be cut down to make the doors of houses and palaces.When the inhabitants of a land suffer a plague of locusts, they pray for the $beastlow, which will eat all the insects.The $beastlow is a sea monster unlike any other animal on land or in the sea or in the air; it is entirely unique. Its head is terrifying, as is the abyss of its mouth, and its eyes are horrifying.(set: $beast to "Pathius")(set: $beastlow to "pathius")(set: $beasts to "Pathius")(set: $beastslow to "pathius")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Peacock")(set: $beastlow to "peacock")(set: $beasts to "Peacocks")(set: $beastslow to "peacocks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pelican")(set: $beastlow to "pelican")(set: $beasts to "Pelicans")(set: $beastslow to "pelicans")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pheasant")(set: $beastlow to "pheasant")(set: $beasts to "Pheasants")(set: $beastslow to "pheasants")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Phoenix")(set: $beastlow to "phoenix")(set: $beasts to "Phoenix")(set: $beastslow to "phoenix")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pig")(set: $beastlow to "pig")(set: $beasts to "Pigs")(set: $beastslow to "pigs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Pike")(set: $beastlow to "pike")(set: $beasts to "Pikes")(set: $beastslow to "pikes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Polecat")(set: $beastlow to "polecat")(set: $beasts to "Polecats")(set: $beastslow to "polecats")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Porcupine")(set: $beastlow to "porcupine")(set: $beasts to "Porcupines")(set: $beastslow to "porcupines")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Ptarmigan")(set: $beastlow to "ptarmigan")(set: $beasts to "Ptarmigans")(set: $beastslow to "ptarmigans")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Quail")(set: $beastlow to "quail")(set: $beasts to "Quails")(set: $beastslow to "quails")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Rabbit")(set: $beastlow to "rabbit")(set: $beasts to "Rabbits")(set: $beastslow to "rabbits")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Ram")(set: $beastlow to "ram")(set: $beasts to "Rams")(set: $beastslow to "rams")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Rat")(set: $beastlow to "rat")(set: $beasts to "Rats")(set: $beastslow to "rats")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Raven")(set: $beastlow to "raven")(set: $beasts to "Ravens")(set: $beastslow to "ravens")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Reindeer")(set: $beastlow to "reindeer")(set: $beasts to "Reindeer")(set: $beastslow to "reindeer")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Salamander")(set: $beastlow to "salamander")(set: $beasts to "Salamanders")(set: $beastslow to "salamanders")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Salmon")(set: $beastlow to "salmon")(set: $beasts to "Salmon")(set: $beastslow to "salmon")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Salpa")(set: $beastlow to "salpa")(set: $beasts to "Salpas")(set: $beastslow to "salpas")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sardine")(set: $beastlow to "sardine")(set: $beasts to "Sardines")(set: $beastslow to "sardines")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Satyr")(set: $beastlow to "satyr")(set: $beasts to "Satyrs")(set: $beastslow to "satyrs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sawfish")(set: $beastlow to "sawfish")(set: $beasts to "Sawfish")(set: $beastslow to "sawfish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Scorpion")(set: $beastlow to "scorpion")(set: $beasts to "Scorpions")(set: $beastslow to "scorpions")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sea Cow")(set: $beastlow to "sea cow")(set: $beasts to "Sea Cows")(set: $beastslow to "sea cows")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Seahorse")(set: $beastlow to "seahorse")(set: $beasts to "Seahorses")(set: $beastslow to "seahorses")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sea Snail")(set: $beastlow to "sea snail")(set: $beasts to "Sea Snails")(set: $beastslow to "sea snails")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sea Serpent")(set: $beastlow to "sea serpent")(set: $beasts to "Sea Serpents")(set: $beastslow to "sea serpents")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Seal")(set: $beastlow to "seal")(set: $beasts to "Seals")(set: $beastslow to "seals")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sheep")(set: $beastlow to "sheep")(set: $beasts to "Sheep")(set: $beastslow to "sheep")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Shrew")(set: $beastlow to "shrew")(set: $beasts to "Shrews")(set: $beastslow to "shrews")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Silkworm")(set: $beastlow to "silkworm")(set: $beasts to "Silkworms")(set: $beastslow to "silkworms")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Siren")(set: $beastlow to "siren")(set: $beasts to "Sirens")(set: $beastslow to "sirens")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Skink")(set: $beastlow to "skink")(set: $beasts to "Skinks")(set: $beastslow to "skinks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Slug")(set: $beastlow to "slug")(set: $beasts to "Slugs")(set: $beastslow to "slugs")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Snail")(set: $beastlow to "snail")(set: $beasts to "Snails")(set: $beastslow to "snails")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Snake")(set: $beastlow to "snake")(set: $beasts to "Snakes")(set: $beastslow to "snakes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sparrow")(set: $beastlow to "sparrow")(set: $beasts to "Sparrows")(set: $beastslow to "sparrows")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Spider")(set: $beastlow to "spider")(set: $beasts to "Spiders")(set: $beastslow to "spiders")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Squirrel")(set: $beastlow to "squirrel")(set: $beasts to "Squirrels")(set: $beastslow to "squirrels")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Starfish")(set: $beastlow to "starfish")(set: $beasts to "Starfish")(set: $beastslow to "starfish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Starling")(set: $beastlow to "starling")(set: $beasts to "Starlings")(set: $beastslow to "starlings")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Stag Beetle")(set: $beastlow to "stag beetle")(set: $beasts to "Stag Beetles")(set: $beastslow to "stag beetles")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Stag")(set: $beastlow to "stag")(set: $beasts to "Stags")(set: $beastslow to "stags")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Sunfish")(set: $beastlow to "sunfish")(set: $beasts to "Sunfish")(set: $beastslow to "sunfish")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Swan")(set: $beastlow to "swan")(set: $beasts to "Swans")(set: $beastslow to "swans")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Thrush")(set: $beastlow to "thrush")(set: $beasts to "Thrushes")(set: $beastslow to "thrushes")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Testeum")(set: $beastlow to "testeum")(set: $beasts to "Testeums")(set: $beastslow to "testeums")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Tick")(set: $beastlow to "tick")(set: $beasts to "Ticks")(set: $beastslow to "ticks")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Tiger")(set: $beastlow to "tiger")(set: $beasts to "Tigers")(set: $beastslow to "tigers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Titmouse")(set: $beastlow to "titmouse")(set: $beasts to "Titmice")(set: $beastslow to "titmice")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Tortoise")(set: $beastlow to "tortoise")(set: $beasts to "Tortoises")(set: $beastslow to "tortoises")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Unicorn")(set: $beastlow to "unicorn")(set: $beasts to "Unicorns")(set: $beastslow to "unicorns")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Viper")(set: $beastlow to "viper")(set: $beasts to "Vipers")(set: $beastslow to "vipers")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Walrus")(set: $beastlow to "walrus")(set: $beasts to "Walruses")(set: $beastslow to "walruses")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Vulture")(set: $beastlow to "vulture")(set: $beasts to "Vultures")(set: $beastslow to "vultures")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Wasp")(set: $beastlow to "wasp")(set: $beasts to "Wasps")(set: $beastslow to "wasps")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Weasel")(set: $beastlow to "weasel")(set: $beasts to "Weasels")(set: $beastslow to "weasels")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Whale")(set: $beastlow to "whale")(set: $beasts to "Whales")(set: $beastslow to "whales")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Wolf")(set: $beastlow to "wolf")(set: $beasts to "Wolves")(set: $beastslow to "wolves")<strong>$beast</strong>(set: $beast to "Worm")(set: $beastlow to "worm")(set: $beasts to "Worms")(set: $beastslow to "worms")<strong>$beast</strong>