My Mother

My mother died last week, which was sad, I suppose. She was a hard person to love, my mother, though, so in many ways it was a relief.

Anyway, for a week or so after I sort of wandered around in a daze. Shock, I expect, and also that I wasn’t really sure what to do or how to do it. I spent so long on the phone telling everyone she was dead that for awhile it seemed like this was it now, for me, forever. Just sitting here at my desk ringing people up and going, “Do you remember [mother]? Well, she’s dead, I’m afraid. Sorry about that. Did you know her well? Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, I know. I know. Sorry. Yeah she was, she really was. But still she’s my mother, and, well… I just thought you should know.”

I’m not sure even the vicar bothered to attempt to console me, to express in any way a sense of regret.

Anyway, I thought yesterday that it was over, after the funeral was done and she was safely buried and I’d cleared away all the uneaten buffet stuff from the table I’d set up in the living room and everyone had gone home and there was no need for them to ever think about her again.

But this morning I came down stairs and there she was, sat at the kitchen table, eating some toast and marmite, biting through it toothlessly with her dry papery lips.

“I thought you were dead,” I said.

“I was,” she said. “I spent the last week in heaven,” she said. “Nice place, really, except for all the cats.”

“The cats?” I said.

My mother didn’t like cats.

“Yes, the cats. Cats everywhere there was. Every cat that ever lived. Millions of them, sitting around. Sitting on everything,” she said. “Well, every cat that ever died, I suppose.”


“And what?”

“Why are you here, mother? You’re supposed to be dead.”

“Well, you know how I feel about cats.”

Everyone knew how she felt about cats.

“So I left. Told God it was either the cats or me. He chose the cats.” She took another bite of her toast. “He reminded me a bit of your father, really.”

“Who did?”


“Are you sure you were in heaven, mother?”

“Well, where else would I have fucking been?”

So, anyway, now I expect I’ll have to spend the rest of the week on the phone again, telling everyone that I told that she was dead that she’s alive again now. I’m really not looking forward to having to explain this to the council. Or the inland revenue, or whatever they’re called now.

Actually, she’s going to be bloody furious when she finds out they’ve cancelled her pension. And how few people turned up at her funeral. How no-one even ate the sandwiches I’d made and that they’d all ended up in the bin.

Maybe I should let her call everyone.



1. Written on June 30th, 2016


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market stall

I went to the market that they have in the car park behind the high street every thursday and there was a stall there selling cups of piss. I said to the woman running the stall, “Is that really piss?” and she said, “Yes, lovely warm piss. Only £3 a glass,” and I said, “But why would I want to drink a cup of piss?” and she said, “It’s warm piss,” and I said, “I don’t know what difference that makes,” and she said, or sort of sung, “It will grant you your wish / this cup of warm piss,” and I said, “what sort of wish” and she said, “the wish for piss” and I said, “that’s not a wish,” and she bent down and picked up one of the cups and held it out towards me and said, “try it it’s free” and I said, “I thought you said it cost £3,” and she said “this is a trial offer” and I said, “I better still get my wish” and she winked at me and said “the wish for piss” again and I shrugged and closed my eyes and grimaced pre-emptively and downed that cup of piss and wiped my lips clean with the back of my arm and opened my eyes and looked down at the cups of piss and I said “thank you” and she nodded and I said “have a nice day” and she said “and you” and I went back into town and I decided right then or at least by the end of the day that I’d go to the market next week and get another cup assuming the stall’s back again and if she hasn’t sold out by the time I get there



1. Written on June 30th, 2016
2. And basically a direct transcript of a dream I’d had that morning/the previous night


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Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

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The Interview

“Thank you for coming in to see us today.”

“No, it’s my pleasure. Thank you for taking the time to interview me.”

“Of course, of course. Have a seat, Mr… Guy, is it?”

“Yes, thank you. And just call me David.”

“Well, okay then, David. So, you’d like this job, then?”

“Yes, it’s-”

“Well you can’t have it. Goodbye.”






1. Written on December 11th, 2016
2. A recollection of events occurring repeatedly between 2005 and 2018 and presumably beyond


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Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

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He had eaten his hands and he’d eaten his feet and he’d eaten his legs all the way up to the knees and his arms down to the elbows and he thought to himself that he really needed to think of some alternative ways to support himself because this lifestyle wasn’t particularly sustainable in the long term even though it was incredibly tasty



1. Written on June 19th, 2016


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Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

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The Lion

I came home early from work one day as there’d been a power cut at work and they said we could go out early for lunch and when I got home there was this lion sat on the doorstep and every time I tried to reach over its head to unlock the door it would bat at my keys with its huge paws and stop me and it was really infuriating. And whenever I tried to move the lion aside it would roar really loudly and cause such a ruckus everyone in the street would turn round to look at me, and I’d get a bit self-conscious and try to calm it down and stop it causing such a scene. I offered it a sandwich out of my lunchbox but it didn’t want a sandwich and I offered it a pack of crisps and it didn’t want a packet of crisps either even though they were skips and cats usually love skips but this cat didn’t and I offered it an apple but it just batted it out of my hand and I watched it roll down the drive and into the road and inevitably then a car drove past and crushed the apple to death and I swear I heard the lion laugh but when I looked back at the lion it wasn’t laughing at all it looked furious and I didn’t know what to do so I went back to work and the power was back on and I didn’t tell anyone about the lion at all in fact I don’t think I spoke to anyone about anything really it was a strange day



1. Written on May 27th, 2016


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Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

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