I would quite like to say fuck off
to just about everyone
But I don’t say fuck off
to anyone at all
1. Written on June 2nd, 2022
__________I would quite like to say fuck off
to just about everyone
But I don’t say fuck off
to anyone at all
1. Written on June 2nd, 2022
__________I have broken
the rules
that were in
the regulations
and which
you were probably
at home
Forgive me
I am capricious
faux meek
yet so bold
1. Written on May 25th, 2022
2. A parody
3. I’ve never done one of these before
in my brain
the shame i feel
is real enough
even though it happened
twenty years or more
1. Written on May 20th, 2022
__________I would quite like to live on a planet
where the people are pianos
and they play each other
in increasingly intimate ways
1. Written on 11th May, 2022
2. I should have included this in Places In Space at some point really
3. But god knows how I’d ever have been able to draw it.
My hair is like those feathers you sometimes see
abandoned and alone
on the barren patches of land where gardens used to be
1. Written on May 10th, 2022