1. Written on May 21st, 2019
2. This was originally Places In Space #5 but then I wrote another one which was set before the void and after Jupiter
3. So that one became #4
1. Written on May 21st, 2019
2. This was originally Places In Space #5 but then I wrote another one which was set before the void and after Jupiter
3. So that one became #4
1. Written on June 2nd, 2019
2. This wasn’t originally #4 but it is now
3. I hope that’s okay
4. Also you can see echoes of future comics not yet seen
5. Please don’t hate me and my terrible standards of comics creation
1. Drawn on May 21st, 2019
2. Although the text was written in November sometime
3. While sat on a bench in the shopping centre
4. Trying not to think about all the things I could not afford to buy
1. Written on May 21st, 2019
1. Written on May 21st, 2019
2. This is the title card for a new series of comics that’s almost completely unfinished and will be posted here in dribs and drabs across the rest of time