Brids, Sfish, And Other Amals

A simple toy that creates hybrid animals by swapping their heads and bodies around, Brids, Sfish, and Other Amals was made using twine, with public domain nature illustrations largely collected from the wonderful old book illustrations website.

You can use it here and/or here if you want, and make various creatures like those below.



1. I made this between late August and early October, 2023
2. It was originally intended to be actual printed cards, for my nieces/nephews
3. But the logistics of actually printing cards put paid to that idea
4. I’m afraid

Tales From The Town #127: Projection

It was the greatest story ever told. Love, death, heroism, villainy, selflessness, satisfaction. Even a joke now and then, and some dancing too. Everything was up there on the screen, depths and layers you could stare into and see whatever it was you wanted to, needed to, hoped to, dared to, like a magic mirror, or a wishing pool, or an old album full of photos redolent of things greater than were ever really true at the time.

The projector caught fire half an hour in and no one ever saw the end.



1. Written on July 5th, 2023