Words And Pictures Of Words

When I was young I used to have close to perfect spelling.

Whenever I spoke I would see the word in my head as I said it, in nice clean large print, as if it was one of those cards we used to use at primary school to learn key words, or the highlighted text in a Ladybird book which for some reason contained every word I ever needed to say, no matter how obscure and arcane. If there was a word I couldn’t spell, I tried my best not to have to say it, warping sentences simply to cover my discomfort, disquiet, outright shame.

I don’t do this any more. When I speak my mind shows me nothing.

And I can’t spell a fucking thing.



1. Written on November 12th, 2024

Tales From The Town #199: Little Gate

The hedgerows had all died off long ago, and now the little gate at the end of the lane was a portal to nowhere. Every morning on their way to school, Daniel went through it, Ethel went over it, Tina went round it, and Claire insulted its stupid existence, every time, without fail.

But the little gate went on existing, regardless. It would, in time, outlive us all. Outlive the lane, outlive the town, outlive time itself.



1. Written on October 16th, 2024