Shakespearean Sonnet Machine

The Shakespearean Sonnet Machine (also here) spits out endless variations of Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets. Well, not quite endless, but there should be 562,448,656 different ones in there if you’re patient enough to keep reloading.



1. I made this on August 16th-August 18th, 2023
2. This works best with the Luminari font.
3. Which can probably be downloaded form plenty of places
4. But I have no idea whats genuine and whats a scam in the world of font websites
5. Sorry.
6. I cut and pasted the sonnets from this collection at Project Gutenberg. Hopefully I haven’t accidently added any errors.
7. Occasionally this throws up an irregular sonnet, which is due to Shakespeare himself deciding for some reason to depart from his meticulous form on a couple of occasions – Sonnet 99 has 5 (five!) lines in the first quatrain, and then Sonnet 126 doesn’t even have quatrains at all, and is just 6 rhyming couplets in a row. Stupid bloody Shakespeare.
8. There’s also probably hundreds of these sorts of things all across the internet but I haven’t actually checked.
9. I apologise for my likely unoriginality anyway.


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