Tales From The Town #72: The Children’s Court (second session)

Topic: The Lodger And How Awful He Is And What Can Be Done to Stop Him Doing Whatever It Is He’s Doing Which Is Evil Whatever It Is And Must Be Stopped
Attendees: Claire, Ethel, Tina, Daniel, The Cat, A Doll
Location: The Wall Near The Shop That’s Closed Down Now Where They Used To Buy Sweets
Ambience: Crisp packets in the wind

Claire: … and he said I was loud and that’s why I hate him and HE MUST BE STOPPED!
Tina: But how?
Claire: That’s what we’re discussing, Tina!
Tina: Sorry. I was stroking the cat.
Claire: That cat could chase him out of his room if she cared. But she doesn’t. Because she’s a cat! And you spoil her!
Ethel: We all spoil her.
Claire: I don’t.
Tina: You’re too busy pining for the class crocodile.
Ethel: She’s never going to marry you, Claire.
Claire: Who wants to get married to a crocodile. (pause) We’re going to become legally sisters!
Tina: She’ll be our sister too then.
Ethel: You’ll have to share her with us.
Daniel: I could ride her into battle!
Claire: You will not ride her into battle. We’ll walk into battle side by side like equals. And then she’ll eat the lodger right up and that’ll be the end of that!
Tina: But if that plan doesn’t work, what else should we do? We have to do something.
Ethel: I asked Lucas if he knew anything about the lodger that might help us but he didn’t even know we had a lodger or what a lodger even was.
Claire: Why would Lucas know anything about anyone? He just lives in the mirror brushing his hair. He’s so boring. We don’t even know if he can see us.
Tina: If we can see him it stands to reason he can see us.
Claire: You don’t know that!
Tina: We do.
Ethel: Why do you think we’ve all been learning to write backwards, Claire? We can communicate with him now.
Claire: He can’t even speak! He’s totally silent! Like a ghost! (pause) And there’s no such thing as ghosts and you know it!
Ethel: He nods and smiles and brushes his hair at different speeds.
Tina: We’ve got a whole book filled with notes interpreting the codes.
Daniel: Lucas lives in the past which means we must live in the future.
Claire: Maybe we live in the past and he lives in the future.
Tina: He clearly lives in the past. Just look at his hair.
Ethel: And his clothes.
Daniel: And his name.
Claire: None of that proves anything at all. Anyone could be called Lucas! There’s a boy in our school called Lucas.
Ethel: No there’s not.
Claire: There is. You’ve just never met him. Anyway, we don’t even know if he IS called Lucas.
Ethel: He looks like a Lucas.
Claire: And you DON’T look like an Ethel yet you are an Ethel.
Ethel: That doesn’t make any sense, Claire.
Claire: It does. It must do because everyone says it. Even the lodger and he’s awful.
Ethel: Of course he’s awful, Claire. That’s why we’re having this meeting!
Claire: If Lucas IS from the future he could tell us exactly everything the lodger has done and will do and how he gets caught and then we could stop him before he does it! We’ll be heroes!
Tina: Lucas is not from the future, Claire. He’s just… not!
Claire: Well I say he is! He could have stupid old hair like that and wear that velvet jacket because that sort of thing becomes all fashionable again in like, I don’t know, a BILLION years time, and that’s how come he can appear in our mirror because they’ve invented time machines then and they’re just mirrors to us but they’re like PORTALS to them and that’s like how it all works. (pause) I think that makes more sense than whatever theory any of you have about why Lucas is in the mirror and you can’t convince me otherwise you just can’t.
Ethel: I asked him what year it was and he said it was 1878.
Claire: 1878 TWO! At some point they run out of years and start going backwards again. Like how they told us that skull on the hill was from the year 4000 and I thought it was from the future but they meant a completely different year 4000 that happened in the past. (pause) Anyway, this is more like how Mum has the same haircut as the witch even though the witch is like a hundred years old. Or like how Dad’s really into mermaids just like all those stupid idiots at school with their mermaid bags and their mermaid t-shirts and their mermaid dolls which they never let me play with that I don’t want to play with anyway because I HATE mermaids.
Tina: I think Dad’s just into one specific mermaid instead of mermaids in general.
Daniel: Once I swam out to sea with the mermaid and I was a man mermaid and my hair was so long everyone thought it was seaweed but it wasn’t seaweed it was my hair. That’s why I no longer live in the sea.
Claire: Will you shut up about mermaids? They don’t even have any feet!

Little further progress on the initial topic of discussion was made.



1. Written on 22nd-25th May, 2022


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(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Tales From The Town #71: The Mirror Of The History

For all of us to see hangs the mirror in the hall.

The mirror reflects perfectly, yet leaves nothing looking quite the same. It lives on spite, on kindliness, on despair, on care, love, insecurities, fear, memories.

It is as permanent as our sense of self, as ephemeral as the glance of our eyes, as fragile as the glass of its making.

The mirror itself is never seen. We look beyond its surface. Everything it contains is borrowed from outside.

In the hall the mirror hangs for all of us to see.



1. Written on May 10th, 2022


Support An Accumulation Of Things

If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Tales From The Town #71: The History Of The Mirror

In the hall the mirror hangs for all of us to see.

Everything it contains is borrowed from outside. We look beyond its surface. The mirror itself is never seen.

It is as fragile as the glass of its making, as ephemeral as the glance of our eyes, as permanent as our sense of self.

It lives on memories, lives on fear, on insecurities, on love, care, despair, kindliness, spite. The mirror reflects perfectly, yet leaves nothing looking quite the same.

For all of us to see hangs the mirror in the hall.



1. Written on 10th May, 2022


Support An Accumulation Of Things

If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Tales From The Town #70: The Children’s Court (first session)

Topic: The Lodger And How Awful He Is And What We Know He’s Done So Far
Attendees: Claire, Ethel, Tina, Daniel, a doll, some dogs
Location: The Hollow On The Hill
Evidence To Be Presented: (verbal admissions only)
Ambience: Grasshoppers, contrails

Claire: …and he filled the freezer up with bread and I hate him. (pause) That’s the end of my evidence against the lodger. Oh and he broke the swing, remember?
Tina: That was ages ago.
Ethel: And he apologised.
Claire: What’s that got to do with anything? It’s still a crime. So who’s next? Daniel?
Daniel: He’s been trying to steal my dreams.
Ethel: What?
Tina: How?
Daniel: I dreamt he was asleep and dreaming he was me and when I asked him to stop he said no.
Claire: That doesn’t even make any sense.
Ethel: It does.
Claire: It doesn’t. Which makes it even worse. (pause) Good evidence Daniel.
Tina: I think he stole my poetry book.
Claire: No one stole your poetry book. It was exactly where I said it would be! In that drawer in your bedroom that you forgot to look in before for some reason!
Tina: Well, maybe he put it back there. Anyway, I still think he stole it. He definitely looked at it.
Claire: That’s not evidence. That’s supposition.
Tina: Well it’s better than insinuation.
Claire: It’s not!
Ethel: So why do you think the lodger stole your poetry book, Tina?
Tina: He quoted one of my poems back to me.
Claire: What does that prove?
Tina: My poems are a secret!
Claire: That’s stupid. Secret poems might as well not even exist.
Tina: Well now they exist and I don’t like it.
Claire: I hope Ethel’s evidence is better than that!
Ethel: It is! (pause) Wait, I mean, it’s exactly as compelling as that, Tina.
Tina: Thank you!
Ethel: So anyway… the lodger has been spying on Anna and Oya!
Tina: What? That’s awful!
Ethel: I know! And even worse, he’s been passing off Anna’s opinions as his own!
Claire: How’s that worse?
Ethel: They’re her thoughts, Claire! Not his! It’s plagiarism.
Tina: Plagiarism of the mind.
Claire: Maybe she’s passing off his opinions as HERS!
Ethel: She wouldn’t!
Claire: She would!
Ethel: Whose side are you on Claire? I thought you hated the lodger! I bet he’s never even read a book! Anna’s read loads of them!
Claire: I do hate him. But that doesn’t mean I should just believe anything you say about him. This is a court of law!
Ethel: Why can’t you agree with anyone, Claire? Just once. Please.
Claire: Because I’m right and you’re wrong! (pause) Although actually this time I do agree with you, Ethel. Because no one would pretend to have opinions as awful as his. Not even stupid old Anna!
Ethel: Stop being mean to Anna, Claire!
Claire: No! This is all her fault. If she hadn’t fallen in love with Oya and made Oya move out of her room and into Anna’s room then Mum wouldn’t have needed a new lodger and then the new lodger wouldn’t have moved in to the new rooms and the new rooms would still be empty and I could have moved into one of them instead and had it all to myself instead of having to sleep in the same room as all of you!


Tina: What are we arguing about again?

The court was adjourned until the afternoon.



1. Written on 22nd May, 2022


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!

Tales From The Town: A Summer Book



1. Written between the 5th and the 11th of August, 2022
2. Although the cover was drawn on the of August, 2022
3. And also the back cover.
4. And also I suppose technically The Cat In Summer was written whenever The Cat In Winter was written.
5. Which was last summer instead of this summer, it appears.
6. Also it’s too hot to transcribe these today so I hope you can read them all.
7. I assure you the crossed out word at the end of Flags Of Forgotten Nations is not rude.
8. At all.
9. Unless you consider C&A rude
10. It’s quite rude I suppose.


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If you like the things you've read here please consider subscribing to my patreon or my ko-fi.

Patreon subscribers get not just early access to content and also the occasional gift, but also my eternal gratitude. Which I'm not sure is very useful, but is certainly very real.

(Ko-fi contributors probably only get the gratitude I'm afraid, but please get in touch if you want more).

Thank you!