“I’m bored,” said Ethel.
“Not as bored as me,” said Claire. “I’m more bored than anyone has ever been, ever, anywhere, in the whole wide world. Even at school. Even in a museum.”
“I bet Daniel’s not bored,” said Tina, who was also quite bored, even if she didn’t like to admit it. “Daniel’s never bored.”
“Daniel’s too stupid to be bored,” said Claire. “And also he’s an idiot.”
“That’s not very nice, Claire,” said Daniel. “And anyway, I win.”
“What do you mean you win?” Claire said.
“The paint’s dried now,” said Daniel, pointing at the wall they were all standing in front of but which only Daniel had been looking at. It was a freshly painted lilac now. Yesterday it’d been blue or something. “You three weren’t even looking. But I was.”
“Urgh,” said Claire. “I didn’t even know we were playing.”
“Well, we were,” said Daniel. “And I won.”
“No, you didn’t,” said Claire. “Also you were cheating. I demand a rematch!”
“Claire? What are you doing?” Ethel wailed helplessly.
“Shut up, Ethel,” said Claire. “I am not losing to Daniel. Not ever.” She turned back to Daniel and loomed ominously over him as best as she could. “Come on, Daniel, it’s best of three. No wait, first to three…”
1. Written on March 7th, 2025