Tales From The Town #169: Bank Holiday Monday (Reprise)

“I can’t believe we don’t have to go to stupid school today!” Claire exulted. “On a Monday! That’s never happened before! Ever!”

“It literally happened earlier this month, Claire,” Tina sighed.

“No it didn’t,” said Claire.

“On May Day,” Ethel remarked.

“We only had Monday off then,” Claire said, bolstering her earlier argument with facts, even if they contradicted previous arguments she might well have presented before. “Now we’ve got the whole week off.”

“Like at Easter,” said Daniel, nodding knowledgeably (and also enthusiastically). “When it happened twice.”

“Shut up, Daniel,” said Claire. “Everyone just shut up. Don’t even try and spoil this!”



1. Written on Monday 3rd, 2024


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