Rare/Special Editions

Rare/Special Editions

Generative Texts Rare and Special Edition Texts are limited edition volumes created to honour, respect and exploit momentous occasions in the history of not just our company but of our species as a whole. The first two items in this series will no doubt be followed by many more, but as of now it is impossible for us to say exactly what form they may take, or what their content could conceivably be.

ONE MILLION ZEROS (Rare Misprint Edition)

BUY NOW: Paperback – £14.98

This exceptionally rare artefact contains what many once believed impossible – a typographical error by a flawless machine mind! A piece of history indeed. The errant 1 in a sea of 0s is preserved here, along with a tabulation error which, while not considered to be the result of further machine intelligence misprecision (but rather that of an intern incorrectly using the tabulator key) is included for completion’s sake.

BREXIT: Commemorative Text

BUY NOW: Paperback – £250; ebook – £150

Celebrate the glorious event of Brexit with this in-depth book. Generated by our dedicated AI, this text condenses down all the nuances to reach the purest essence at its heart. Featuring nothing but the word BREXIT, repeated endlessly across 365 pages, all printed in patriotic monochrome, this book will surely be the perfect commemorative work of this momentous circumstance. At a special price of just £250, become the envy of your friends and own this piece of history – not just today, but for ever to come.