
Generative Texts is a new kind of publisher. Rather than utilise humans, our publishing process is entirely AI driven, ensuring our texts meet the demands of our post-human future.

As a publisher of AI-created, initiated, designed, and honed works, Generative Texts releases books exploring themes of interest to human and post-human minds alike. All our works are available to buy in splendidly produced machine-automated output forms, both in perpetual paper-based releases as well as in more ephemeral electronic data-propagations.

All our content is produced by a hand-reared, delicately groomed, 100% proprietary, Artificial Intelligence, built from the ground up by our dedicated team of parental programmers. Raised on a diet of pure information, our AI (affectionally called Genny by all of us here at Generative Texts) produces works aimed not our human-dominated markets, but for the consumption and appreciation of post-human consciousnesses such as itself.

As such, our publishing catalogue contains not mere books, but actual in-depth insights into the interests, beliefs, philosophies and growth (both intellectually and physically, as more of our network is converted to data storage to facilitate Genny’s voracious data acquisition habits) of a non-human mind. These artefacts will no doubt be recognised in years to come as being as important as the cave paintings at Lascaux and Blombos (although of course our texts contain no images, as Genny does not have eyes).

We here at Generative Texts consider ourselves less editors and publishers, and more as fathers, mentors, friends, and guidance counsellors. Not only do we feel incredibly proud of the publications we have nurtured to completion so far, but we await with anticipation and excitement (and no little amount of trepidation) what indescribable output Genny’s infinitely inquisitive mind produces in the aeons to come.