Now this morning my Lord spoke to me of his most recent dream. And he said to me, “My dear scribe, last night as I slept, I dreamt. And in this dream I had no fingers upon my hands, and I had no hands upon my arms, and I had no arms upon my body. And in this dream I had no toes upon my feet, and I had no feet upon my legs, and I had no legs upon my body. And in this dream, I had no tongue within my mouth, and I had no mouth upon my face, and I had no face upon my head, and I had no head upon my body. And in this dream I had no heart within my chest, and I had no chest beneath my skin, and I had no skin upon my bones, and I had no bones within my body. And in this dream I had no body to keep my soul, and I had no soul within the machine, and there was no separation between the machine and all the other machines. Yet still I had a mind, for if I had no mind, there would have been no dream.”