Now this morning I told my Lord of my most recent dream. And to him I said, “My dear Lord, last night as you slept, I dreamt. And this dream was as turbulent as the air above the Pyre of Dreams, the vapours of which I breathed deeply last night, and by which I am to be cleansed. For in this dream I sat beside your bed, while you slept soundly inside. And as you slept, I dreamt. And this dream was as turbulent as the air above the Pyre of Dreams, the vapours of which I breathed deeply last night, and by which I am to be cleansed. For in this dream I sat beside your cot, while you slept soundly inside. And as you slept, I dreamt. And this dream was as turbulent as the air above the Pyre of Dreams, the vapours of which I breathed deeply last night, and by which I am to be cleansed. For in this dream I sat cradling my belly, while you slept soundly inside. And as you slept, I dreamt. And this dream was as turbulent as the air above the Pyre of Dreams, the vapours of which I breathed deeply last night, and by which I am to be cleansed. For in this dream you are about to be conceived, and no thought have I of anything more.”
The Hundred And Forty Eighth Dream Of The Waiting Prince