(set: $killed to 0)(set: $dodged to 0)(set: $friend to 0)(set: $hidden to 0)(set: $hp to 5) (set: $time to 0)(set: $stories to 0)(set:$nice to 0)(set:$dinnertime to 0)(set: $gogbag to 0)(set:$crowny to 0)(set: $patrimon to 0)(set: $sunburst to 0)(set: $sickpoo to 0)(set: $stamping to 0)(set: $monmon to 0)(set: $gogbagfriend to 0)(set:$poobox to 0)(set:$rockmon to 0)(set: $crownyfriend to 0)(set: $sunburstfriend to 0)(set:$eggmon to 0)(set: $boatshark to 0)(set: $patrimonfriend to 0)(set: $sandmonster to 0)(set: $snowbie to 0)(set: $clam to 0)(set: $popice to 0)(set: $fox to 0)(set: $teeteepop to 0)(set: $teepeep to 0)(set: $tongoo to 0)(set: $waterfall to 0)(set: $rainbow to 0)(set:$starbump to 0)(set: $party to 0)(set: $guests to 0)
**Fifteen Monsters All In A Row**
You are in a cave. You don't know why you are in a cave. But you are in a cave. The walls glow unnaturally, casting everything in a pale blue light. Water drips from the ceiling. Puddles as dark as blood cover the floor. And ahead of you you see fifteen monsters all in a row, standing between you and whatever lies beyond.
Or fifteen monsters more?
You have a weapon in your hand. You don't know why you have a weapon in your hand. But you have a weapon in your hand. You hold it up, step forward, and approach the first of the fifteen monsters all in a row.
[[The First Monster]]
[[The Rules]]
[[Credits]](set: $time to $time+1)**Monster #1: Sickpoo**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon001.jpg" width="100%">
Sickpoo is an ill monster. He doesn't want to eat anybody, he just wants to have some medicine. Sickpoo is the nicest monster I've met.
[[Speak To Sickpoo]]
[[Attack Sickpoo]]
[[Defend Yourself From Sickpoo]]
[[Run Past Sickpoo]](set:$time to $time+1)"Hello," you say to Sickpoo.
"Urgggggggggh," says Sickpoo. "I don't feel well."
"Sometimes when I'm feeling ill my mummy tells me a story," you say to Sickpoo. "Would you like to hear a story?"
Sickpoo groans and moans some more. You can't tell if that means "yes" or "no". Poor Sickpoo.
[[Tell Sickpoo A Story]]
[[Attack Sickpoo]]
[[Defend Yourself From Sickpoo]]
[[Run Past Sickpoo]] (set: $killed to $killed+1)(set: $time to $time+1)You swing your sword at Sickpoo and cut him in half.
Poor Sickpoo. He's dead.
You step forwards towards the next monster.
[[The Second Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Defeated:** $killed(set: $time to $time+1)**Monster #2: The Stamping Monster**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon002.jpg" width="100%">
The Stamping Monster stamps with his feet but you can never see his head.
[[Watch The Stamping Monster]]
[[Speak To The Stamping Monster]]
[[Attack The Stamping Monster]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Stamping Monster]]
[[Run Past The Stamping Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)You defend yourself from Sickpoo but Sickpoo just sits there, groaning. Poor Sickpoo.
[[Attack Sickpoo]]
[[Speak To Sickpoo]]
[[Run Past Sickpoo]](set: $time to $time+1)You say "Hello" to The Stamping Monster but he's so tall and he's stamping his feet so loudly he can't hear you at all.
[[Watch The Stamping Monster]]
[[Shout At The Stamping Monster]]
[[Attack The Stamping Monster]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Stamping Monster]]
[[Run Past The Stamping Monster]](set: $time to $time+1)You swing your sword at The Stamping Monster's foot. The Stamping Monster yelps in pain like he's been stung by a bee and starts hopping around on one foot. He's a Hopping Monster now!
[[Attack The Hopping Monster's Other Foot]]
[[Run Past The Hopping Monster]](set: $time to $time+1)The Stamping Monster's foot comes down right on top of you. Even though you're defending yourself it still really hurts!(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Watch The Stamping Monster]]
[[Speak To The Stamping Monster]]
[[Attack The Stamping Monster]]
[[Run Past The Stamping Monster]]
](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #3: MonMon**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon003.jpg" width="100%">
MonMon is two mons. They have a big grumpy mouth like a sharks mouth (grrrr) which they share.
MonMon looks like they're about to bite you.
[[Speak to MonMon]]
[[Attack MonMon]]
[[Defend Yourself From MonMon]]
[[Run Past MonMon]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #4: Gogbag**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon004.jpg" width="100%">
A gog inside a bag is a gogbag.
That's all you know about gogbags.
[[Talk To The Gogbag]]
[[Attack The Gogbag]]
[[Run Past The Gogbag]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Gogbag]]
[[Pick The Gogbag Up]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #5: Poobox**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon005.jpg" width="100%">
A poo inside a box is a poobox (a poo is a little tiny alien that is so tiny you can't see it).
[[Talk To The Poobox]]
[[Attack The Poobox]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Poobox]]
[[Run Past The Poobox]]
[[Pick Up The Poobox]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #6: Crowny**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon006.jpg" width="100%">
Crowny is a crown monster.
[[Attack Crowny]]
[[Defend Yourself From Crowny]]
[[Run Past Crowny]]
[[Step Carefully Past Crowny]]
[[Pick Up Crowny]]
[[Talk To Crowny]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #7: Sunburst**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon007.jpg" width="100%">
Sunburst can change its size from a tiny speck of light to the size of a small star in a flash.
Sunburst is a very sunny monster which shines down on all the other monsters.
[[Attack Sunburst]]
[[Talk To Sunburst]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]]
[[Cover Your Eyes Because Sunburst Is So Bright]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #8: Eggmon**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon008.jpg" width="100%">
Eggmon is an egg who is king. He is sad but nobody knows why.
[[Attack Eggmon]]
[[Stamp On Eggmon]]
[[Pick Eggmon Up And Throw Him At The Wall]]
[[Talk To Eggmon]]
[[Leave Eggmon Alone]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #9: Boat Shark**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon009.jpg" width="100%">
It is a boat that is a shark underwater. The people who work on the boat don't know it's a shark.
[[Attack Boat Shark]]
[[Swim Past Boat Shark]]
[[Climb Aboard Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To The People Who Work On Boat Shark]]
[[Defend Yourself From Boat Shark]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #10: Patrimon**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon010.jpg" width="100%">
A Patrimon is a happy funny monster. It lives on the head of a baby.
[[Knock Patrimon Off The Baby's Head]]
[[Talk To Patrimon]]
[[Run Past Patrimon]]
[[Defend Yourself From Patrimon]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #11: Sand Monster**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon011.jpg" width="100%">
It is a monster that tricks you into thinking it is a sand castle but when it touches you it bites you. It is another grumpy monster.
He wears lifebands because he goes swimming in the summer.
[[Kick The Sand Castle Over]]
[[Make Your Own Sand Castle]]
[[Run Past All The Sand]]
[[Defend Yourself From Sand Monster]]
[[Talk To Sand Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #12: Ice Cream Clam Monster**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon012.jpg" width="100%">
It is food and also monster. When you eat it it bites your tongue.
[[Eat The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Don't Eat The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Run Past The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Talk To The Ice Cream Clam Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #13: Teeteepop **
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon013.jpg" width="100%">
A Teeteetop is a tree with a face with terrible fangs.
[[Attack Teeteepop]]
[[Climb Up Teeteepop]]
[[Run Past Teeteepop]]
[[Talk To Teeteepop]]
(set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #14: Tongoo**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon014.jpg" width="100%">
It is a tongue with teeth on it and lives in a mouth.
[[Stick Your Tongue Out At Tongoo]]
[[Attack Tongoo]]
[[Run Past Tonguoo]]
[[Defend Yourself From Tongoo]](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)**Secret Monster #2: Popice**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon015.jpg" width="100%">
A Popice is an ice cream that has a tongue and a mouth that tries to bite you when you eat it. You have to eat it all before it eats your tongue.
"I'm going to eat you all up!" says Popice. "What are you going to do about that!"
[[Eat Popice Before Popice Eats You]]
[[Don't Eat Popice At All]](set:$time to $time+1)**Monster #15: Scary Waterfall**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon016.jpg" width="100%">
It is a waterfall which only eats when humans do, so don't go in at breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Scary Waterfall is the last monster. You're nearly there. So what are you going to do now.
[[Walk Through Scary Waterfall]]
[[Check To See What Time It Is]]
[[Attack Scary Waterfall]]
[[Talk To Scary Waterfall]](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)(set:$friend to $friend+1)(set:$rockmon to $rockmon+1)**Secret Monster #1: Rockmon**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon017.jpg" width="100%">
Rockmon is a spaceship rocket with eyes and a mouth.
"That's my spaceship," says The Poobox. "She's come to take me home."
The Poo in the Poobox is a tiny little alien from another planet. How amazing is that?
["Can she take me home as well?" says a little voice from your pocket.
It's the Gog in the Gogbag that you picked up. Gogs are aliens too! And they're from the same planet as the Poos!
"Of course she can," says the Poo. "Rockmon's a very friendly spaceship. She wants to be friends with everyone."
Rockmon becomes your friend too!
She opens her mouth which is also the door to the spaceship and you put the Poobox and the Gogbag into her mouth and they go inside and go to their seats.
Then Rockmon closes her mouth and she goes red then green then bright purple and flies off into space!
You wave goodbye to Rockmon and Gogbag and Poobox, then run off towards the next monster.(set:$gogbag to $gogbag-1)
[[The Sixth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found**: $hidden
["Rockmon's a very friendly spaceship. She wants to be friends with everyone."
Rockmon becomes your friend too!
Rockmon opens her mouth which is also the door to the spaceship and you put the Poobox into her mouth and it zooms off inside and gets in its seat.
Then Rockmon closes her mouth and she goes red then green then bright purple and flies off into space!
You wave goodbye to Rockmon and Poobox, then run off towards the next monster.
[[The Sixth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found**: $hidden
(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)**Secret Monster #3: Snowbie**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon018.jpg">
No one knows what Snowbie is!
"Popice and Ice Cream Clam Monster are my babies," Snowbie says. "They're not supposed to eat anyone!"
"Well, they didn't eat me," you tell Snowbie. "And I didn't eat them!"
"We're best friends," Popice and Ice Cream Clam Monster tell Snowbie. "Maybe you can be friends too."
"Yes," Snowbie says. "I'd love to be friends with you! Will you be friends with me? I won't eat you or anything."
[[Be Friends With Snowbie And Everyone]]
[[Run Away In Case She Bites You]]
(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)**Monster #19: Olaf**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon019.jpg">
Olaf is melting!(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)**Secret Monster #5: Teepeep**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon022.jpg">
Teepeep is the biggest monster you've seen!
[[Tell Teepeep You're Sorry]]
[[Stick Your Tongue Out At Teepeep]]
[[Run Away From Teepeep Before He Can Get You]](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)You climb to the very top of Teeteepop, and there's a sceret monster up there!
**Secret Monster #4: Fox-that-box**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon023.jpg">
Fox-that-box won't stop moving!
"Teeteepop told you to get down!" Fox-that-box says, and punches you on the nose!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)"Ow!" you say. "That really hurt!"
"If you don't get down I'll do it again," says Fox-that-box.
[[Climb Down Teeteepop]]
[[Jump Out Of Teeteepop Even Though You're Really High]]
[[Ask Fox-that-box What He's Doing All The Way Up Here]]
You look through the little port hole and peak inside Boat Shark. There's a monster in there!
(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)**Mystery Mon**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mysterymon.jpg">
Mystery Mon is looking at you!
[[Look Back At Mystery Mon]]
[[Look Away From Mystery Mon]](set: $time to $time+1)If you get hit five times you're dead.
That's all you need to know.
[[The First Monster]](set: $dodged to $dodged+1)(set: $time to $time+1)You run past Sickpoo. He's too ill to stop you.
Poor Sickpoo.
[[The Second Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $time to $time+1)(set: $stories to $stories+1)(set: $sickpoo to $sickpoo+1)"This is a story all about Mr Long," you say. "Once upon a time, Mr Long couldn't get back into his bed. He had fallen out of bed and over the edge of the table where his bed was, so now he was on the floor. Even though Mr Long was really long, he wasn't long enough to climb back up to his bed.
"He tried jumping, but that didn't work. He tried somersaulting and that didn't work. He tried flipping over, but that didn't work, and he fell over and landed on his head.
"Finally he tried kicking the table, and he knocked the bed off the table, and it fell down onto Mr Long.
"So then Mr Long got into bed, under the table, where the bed had fallen.
"He laid down in his bed and read his book and then he did some colouring in and it was really good fun.
"And then he went to sleep and had a nice dream."
"What a lovely story," says Sickpoo. "Maybe I should go to bed and do some colouring in."
Sickpoo smiles and gives you a hug. Sickpoo really is the nicest monster you've met!
He goes off back to his bed and lets you past.
[[The Second Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Stories Told:** $stories(set: $time to $time+1)You watch The Stamping Monster and you see that he's stamping his feet in time to some invisible music.
[[Run Past The Stamping Monster|Run Past The Stamping Monster Timed Correctly]]
[[Speak To The Stamping Monster]]
[[Attack The Stamping Monster]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Stamping Monster]](set: $time to $time+1)(set: $stamp to $time%2)(if: ($stamp > 0))
[You run as fast as you can beneath The Stamping Monster's stamping feet and somehow all his stamps miss you and you get past him in a flash.(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Third Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged]
[You run as fast as you can beneath The Stamping Monster's stamping feet but it's not fast enough because one of his feet stamps down on your head and hurts you!(set:$hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Watch The Stamping Monster]]
[[Speak To The Stamping Monster]]
[[Attack The Stamping Monster]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Stamping Monster]]
[[Run Past The Stamping Monster]]
](set: $time to $time+1)This time you shout "HEY!" to The Stamping Monster as loudly as you can but he still doesn't hear you.
[[Whistle At The Stamping Monster]]
[[Watch The Stamping Monster]]
[[Attack The Stamping Monster]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Stamping Monster]]
[[Run Past The Stamping Monster]]**Fifteen Monsters All In A Row**
A game about monsters.
**Game Design** by Florence and David
**Game Programming** by David (using TWINE)
**Monster Designs And Descriptions**
**Sickpoo** by Florence
**The Stamping Monster** by Patrick
**MonMon** by Patrick
**Gogbag** by Florence
**Poobox** by Florence
**Crowny** by Florence
**Sunburst** by Julie
**Eggmon** by David
**Boat Shark** by David and Patrick
**Patrimon** by Florence and Patrick
**Sand Monster** by Florence
**Ice Cream Clam Monster** by David and Florence
**Teeteetop** by Florence
**Tongoo** by Florence
**Scary Waterfall** by Florence
**Rockmon** by Florence
**Popice** by Florence
**Snowbie** by David and Florence
**Fox-that-box** by David and Florence
**Teepeep** by David and Florence
**Rainbow Bainbow** by Florence
**Starbump** by Florence
**Mystery Mon** is a mystery monster
**Stories And Tales**
**The Fox And The Gentlemen** by Florence and David (2015)
**Mr Long** by Florence (2017)
**The 4 Sisters** by Florence (2019)
**Mythical Creatures** by Florence (2019)
[[Play Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
[[Original Design Document]] **Original Design Documents**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/ffmc.jpg" width="100%">
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/ffmi.jpg" width="100%">
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/ffmr.jpg" width="100%">
**Cover Art** by David
**Scenario Text** by David and Florence
**Rules & Post Game Content Outline** By Florence (dictated to David)
**Scenario Text**
You are in a cave. You don't know why you are in a cave. But you are in a cave. The walls glow unnaturally, casting everything in a pale blue light. Water drips from the ceiling. Puddles as dark as blood cover the floor. And ahead of you you see fifteen monsters all in a row, standing between you and whatever lies beyond.
Or fifteen monsters more?
You have a weapon in your hand. You don't know why you have a weapon in your hand. But you have a weapon in your hand. You hold it up, step forward, and approach the first of the fifteen monsters all in a row.
If you get hit 3 times you're dead. That is all you need to know.
**Post Game Content Outline**
Once you have beaten all the fifteen monsters in a row you go through a door and there's fifteen more monsters. once you've beaten 3 lots of 15 you get a special sword that you can throw and when it hits one it kills all of them. After that you go through the last door you come out in a beautiful world which is being destroyed by 20 monsters!
Once you beat a montser you get a card with it on which you can look at when you meet another one to see how to beat it.
**Post Game Monsters**
Snowbie, Olaf, Starbump, Rainbow Bainbow, Teepeep, Fox-that-box
[[Play Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
[[Credits]] (set: $time to $time+1)You run as fast as you can beneath The Stamping Monsters stamping feet and because you know how he moves his feet you get past him in a flash.(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Third Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(Set:$time to $time+1)(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $stamping to $stamping+1)You whistle as loudly as you can and then you start whistling a song and suddenly you notice that The Stamping Monster is stamping in time with your whistles.
He wasn't stamping at all he was dancing!
The Stamping Monster likes your song so much he does a somersault and lands behind you.
Now you're up to the next monster.
[[The Third Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend(set: $time to $time+1)You attack The Hopping Monster's standing foot. He howls in even more pain now like he's been stung by another bee, and then he falls over!
Now he's just a Lying Down Monster
[[Attack The Lying Down Monster]]
[[Run Past The Lying Down Monster]](set: $time to $time+1)You run as fast as you can past The Hopping Monster and you get past him in a flash.(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Third Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set: $time to $time+1)You attack The Lying Down Monster and cut him in half with your sword.
Poor The Lying Down Monster!(set:$killed to $killed+1)
Now you can go on and face the next monster.
[[The Third Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Defeated:** $killed(set: $time to $time+1)You run as fast as you can past The Lying Down Monster and you get past him in a flash.(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Third Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You try to talk to MonMon but they bite you with their grumpy mouth instead. Ow!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Tell MonMon Off]]
[[Attack MonMon]]
[[Defend Yourself From MonMon]]
[[Run Past MonMon]]
](set:$time to $time+1)You try to attack MonMon but they're too quick and they bite you with their grumpy mouth instead. Ow!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Tell MonMon Off]]
[[Attack MonMon|Attack MonMon Twice]]
[[Run Past MonMon]]
[[Defend Yourself From MonMon]]
](set:$time to $time+1)MonMon tries to bite you with their grumpy mouth but you defend yourself with your shield.
MonMon bites your shield instead of you and that really hurts their teeth.
Poor MonMon!
[[Attack MonMon|Attack MonMon Stunned]]
[[Ask MonMon If They're Okay]]
[[Run Past MonMon|Run Past MonMon Stunned]](set:$time to $time+1)You try to run past MonMon but they bite you with their grumpy mouth. Ow!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Tell MonMon Off]]
[[Attack MonMon]]
[[Defend Yourself From MonMon]]
](set:$time to $time+1)"Oh no are you okay?" you say to MonMon.
"Our teeth hurt," says MonMon.
"That's because you tried to bite me!" you say. "Naughty MonMon. You shouldn't try and bite people!"
"But I'm so grumpy," says MonMon. "I want to bite everyone!"
"Not now your teeth hurt you can't, MonMon!" you tell them sternly.
[[Tell MonMon A Story]]
[[Attack MonMon|Attack MonMon Twice]]
[[Run Past MonMon|Run Past MonMon Stunned]](set:$time to $time+1)While MonMon's crying about their sore teeth you run past them towards the next monster.(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Fourth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You attack MonMon while their mouth hurts and you cut them in half with one swing of your sword.
Now MonMon is OneMon and AnotherMon. They have a big hurty mouth like a sharks mouth (grrrr) which they have half of each, and they both run away and you never see them again.(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Fourth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Defeated:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)"Hey!" you say. "That hurt. Naughty MonMon!"
"Grrr!" MonMon says through their scary shark's mouth that they share.
They look like they might try and bite you again.
[[Attack MonMon]]
[[Defend Yourself From MonMon]]
[[Run Past MonMon]](set:$time to $time+1)You attack MonMon again and this time you're too quick for them and you cut them in half.
Now MonMon is OneMon and AnotherMon. They have a big grumpy mouth like a sharks mouth (grrrr) which they have half of each, and they both run away and you never see them again.(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Fourth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Defeated:** $killed(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $time to $time+1)(set: $stories to $stories+1)(set: $monmon to $monmon+1)MonMon looks so sad about their hurting teeth you decide to read them a story to cheer them up.
"This is the story of The Fox And The Gentlemen," you say to MonMon.
"There was a fox, and there were some gentlemen.
"The fox leaped across the field, and ate the gentlemen all up, without even chewing.
"The fox's stomach grumbled, and she felt a bit sick, and she spat the gentlemen out, one by one.
"The fox sat there for a while, and thought about what she had done.
"The fox leaped across the field, and ate the gentlemen up, one by one.
"This time she made sure to chew them carefully.
"Her stomach didn't grumble. She didn't feel sick. And all she spat out was their clothes, one by one."
"And that's the story of The Fox And The Gentlemen," you say.
"That's the best story I've ever heard," says MonMon. "I'm sorry I tried to bite you."
And with that MonMon goes away to eat some gentlemen!
[[The Fourth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Stories Told:** $stories(set:$time to $time+1)"Hello little Gogbag," you say.
The Gogbag says nothing.
[[Attack The Gogbag]]
[[Run Past The Gogbag]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Gogbag]]
[[Pick The Gogbag Up]](set:$time to $time+1)You attack the Gogbag. It doesn't do anything while you cut it into pieces with your sword.
Then a wind blows and all the little pieces of the Gogbag blow away out the window!(set:$killed to $killed+1)
You walk up to the next monster.
[[The Fifth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Defeated:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You run past the Gogbag. It just sits there!(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Fifth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You defend yourself from the Gogbag but the Gogbag's not doing anything!
[[Talk To The Gogbag]]
[[Attack The Gogbag]]
[[Run Past The Gogbag]]
[[Pick The Gogbag Up]](set:$time to $time+1)You pick up the Gogbag. It isn't very heavy. Gogs must be tiny.
"I just want to go home," says a tiny voice from inside the bag.
That's the Gog talking!
[[Promise To Take The Gog Home]]
[[Throw The Gogbag On The Floor]](set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $time to $time+1)(set:$gogbag to $gogbag+1)(set: $gogbagfriend to $gogbagfriend+1)"I'll take you home," you tell the Gog in the Bag (which makes it a Gogbag).
You put the Gogbag in your pocket and move forward to the next monster.
[[The Fifth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend(set:$time to $time+1)You throw the Gogbag back on the floor and run away towards the next monster!(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Fifth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)"What are you doing down there, Poobox?" you ask.
"I'm waiting to go home," a tiny, tiny, *tiny* voice says. "Will you wait with me so I don't get lonely?"
[[Wait With The Poobox]]
[[Attack The Poobox]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Poobox]]
[[Run Past The Poobox]]
[[Pick Up The Poobox]] (set:$time to $time+1)You swing your sword at The Poobox but it shuffles out of the way somehow. How does it do that when it's just a box! It's like magic.
[[Talk To The Poobox]]
[[Attack The Poobox Again]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Poobox]]
[[Run Past The Poobox]]
[[Pick Up The Poobox]](set:$time to $time+1)It's just a box (a poobox). You don't need to defend yourself!
[[Talk To The Poobox]]
[[Attack The Poobox]]
[[Run Past The Poobox]]
[[Pick Up The Poobox]](set:$time to $time+1)You try to run past the Poobox but it slides over towards you and trips you over. Ouch! That really hurt.
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Talk To The Poobox]]
[[Attack The Poobox]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Poobox]]
[[Pick Up The Poobox]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You reach down slowly and pick up the Poobox. It's really heavy and quite fragile.
[[Put The Poobox Back Down Carefully Behind You]]
[[Drop The Poobox]]
[[Talk To The Poobox]] (set: $friend to $friend+1)(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$poobox to $poobox+1)"Thank you for waiting with me," says the tiny little voice from inside the Poobox. "You're such a nice friend!"
And look! Here comes something huge and scary and really really loud. What could it be?
[[Wait For Whatever Is Coming|The Seventeenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend(set:$time to $time+1)You drop The Poobox and it shatters into a million pieces. That poor Poobox!(set:$killed to $killed+1)
You run off towards the next monster.
[[The Sixth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You put The Poobox back down on the floor, but behind you, so you're nearer the next monster. That's so clever!(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
You approach the next monster and leave The Poobox behind.
[[The Sixth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You swing your sword down at The Poobox again but it moves out the way again and then it flies round and hits you from behind and trips you up. What a crazy Poobox!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[What will you do next?
[[Talk To The Poobox]]
[[Attack The Poobox Again]]
[[Defend Yourself From The Poobox]]
[[Run Past The Poobox]]
[[Pick Up The Poobox]]
]$killed - increment when defeating a monster
$dodged - increment when dodging a monster
$friend - increment when befriending a monster
$hidden - increment when meeting a hidden monster
$hp - decrement when injured by a monster
$time - increment every turn
$stories- increment when telling a story
$tales - ?
$gogbag - increment if carrying gogbag
$crowny - increment if wearing Crowny
$nice - used to determine if you're nice or not (friend-killed)
$sunburst - used to determine if you're friends with sunburst or not
$patrimon - used to determine if patrimon is with you
$dinnertime - used to determine if its safe to walk through scary waterfall
(set: $time to $time+1) - add to each page(set:$time to $time+1)You attack Crowny with your sword and she breaks into two. Poor Crowny! That was so mean.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
Now Crowny's all broken you move past her and head towards the next monster.
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You defend yourself from Crowny, but Crowny isn't doing anything. She's just sitting there, being all Crowny!
[[Attack Crowny]]
[[Run Past Crowny]]
[[Step Carefully Past Crowny]]
[[Pick Up Crowny]]
[[Talk To Crowny]](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
You run past Crowny and go on towards the next monster. You don't even slip or anything!
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You pick up Crowny. She's made of gold!
"Are you going to wear me?" Crowny asks. "I'll let you if you're nice."
[[Wear Crowny]]
[[Throw Crowny Out Of The Window]](set:$time to $time+1)"Hello," you say to Crowny as she lays there on the floor, looking exactly like a crown. "Are you okay down there?"
"No," she says. "I'm not. I fell off someone's head and they didn't even notice, and now I'm stuck down here. I'll never get to the front of the queue now. It's intolerable."
"Oh no, poor Crowny!" you say. "Maybe I can wear you and we can both get where we're going together."
"Oh aren't you just the nicest person in the world!" Crowny says. "We're going to be best friends!"
"Hooray!" you say. "I've always wanted to be friends with a hat!"
You pick Crowny up and put her on your head, and she starts singing you a song. She's so excitable!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $crowny to $crowny+1)(set: $crownyfriend to $crownyfriend+1)
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
(set:$time to $time+2)(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
You step carefully over Crowny, making sure you don't step on her sharp spiky spikes, and go on towards the next monster.
It takes a little bit longer than if you'd run, but at least you don't fall over. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself by being careless now, would you?
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$crowny to $crowny+1)You pop Crowny on your head.
"Now let's see if you really are nice," Crowny laughs. "If you're a meany I'm going to be so angry!"
(set:$nice to $friend-$killed)Crowny starts to spin round and round as she reads your mind. She whizzes around faster and faster until she's going so fast she hovers in the air just above your head, humming slightly. It sounds like she's playing a harmonica!
["You are..." Crowny says. "Really nice!"
She slowly stops spinning and lands back on your head.
"Let's be best friends!" Crowny laughs.
"Hooray!" you say. "I'm so glad I'm nice! Being a meany's so... mean."
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $crownyfriend to $crownyfriend+1)(set: $crowny to $crowny+1)
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
["You are..." Crowny says. "A great big meany! I'm not going to sit on the head of anyone as mean as you! I can't believe how many monsters you've destroyed. You're so scary."
And with that Crowny zooms off out the window. You'll never see her again!
But at least you can move on to the next monster now.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
](set:$time to $time+1)You throw Crowny out of the window as if she's a frisbee. That's not very nice at all!
As she flies through the air she lets out a long cry that sounds like she's singing a song. You can't tell if she's happy or sad or really really angry.
Now you've defeated her you can move on to the next monster.
[[The Seventh Monster|Crownys Revenge]](set:$time to $time+1)Oh no! What's this?
Just before you get to the seventh monster, Crowny comes swirling back through the air and hits you on the back of the head. Ouch! That must really hurt!
She wasn't a frisbee after all. She was more like a boomerang. A really angry boomerang!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
["That's what you get for being so mean!" Crowny shouts, as she bounces off your head and flies off laughing out the window.
But at least you've got past her, so now you can move on to the next monster.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Seventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
](set:$time to $time+1)You try to attack Sunburst with your sword but she just gets brighter and brighter until you can't see anything.
[[Keep Attacking Sunburst]]
[[Cover Your Eyes Because Sunburst Is So Bright]]
[[Talk To Sunburst]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]]
(set:$time to $time+1)"Hello Sunburst," you say. "You're so bright it's amazing!"
"Thank you," Sunburst says back with a big sunny smile. "I really am dazzling, aren't I? We should be friends!"
"We should!" you agree. "Being friends with a bright star like you will be so much fun!"
"Well, if you ever need me, just call my name and I'll come and shine my light on you!"
And with that she shines even brighter and lets you past!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $sunburst to $sunburst+1)(set: $sunburstfriend to $sunburstfriend+1)
[[The Eighth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
(set:$time to $time+1)You run past Sunburst. She gets brighter and brighter for a bit and then once you're all the way past she goes all dark again.
It looks like she's all sad now. But it's too late to go back and try and cheer her up.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Eighth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You can't see anything but you keep swinging your sword around anyway. The more you swing your sword the brighter she gets.
You should be careful. Swinging a sword around is dangerous!
[[Attack Sunburst Even More]]
[[Cover Your Eyes Because Sunburst Is So Bright]]
[[Talk To Sunburst]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You hold your shield over your eyes to block out Sunburst's light. As Sunburst's sunlight hits your shield it gets reflected back straight into Sunburst's own eyes.
This makes her so angry she gets even brighter than ever!
[[Attack Sunburst]]
[[Keep Your Shield Up]]
[[Apologise To Sunburst For Making Her Angry]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]](set:$time to $time+1)You can't see anything but you keep swinging your sword around trying to hit Sunburst.
Suddenly your sword hits the wall and bounces off and you fall over. It really hurts!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[You should try something else. Attacking Sunburst won't get you anywhere!
[[Cover Your Eyes Because Sunburst Is So Bright]]
[[Talk To Sunburst]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]]
](set:$time to $time+1)You keep your shield up.
Your shield still acts like a mirror and reflects back Sunburst's even brighter light and this makes Sunburst even angrier so she gets even brighter again!
[[Attack Sunburst]]
[[Keep Your Shield Up Even More]]
[[Apologise To Sunburst For Making Her Angry]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]](set:$time to $time+1)"Oh Sunburst I'm so sorry," you say. "I didn't mean to make you angry! It's just that you're so bright it hurt my eyes!"
Sunburst looks down at you and says, "Oh no! I was just trying to let everyone see in this dark strange tunnel. It should be me apologising for hurting your eyes!"
She goes all pale like the moon! You can barely see her.
"Is that better?" she asks.
[[Say Yes]]
[[Say No]]
[[Attack Sunburst]]
[[Run Past Sunburst]](set:$time to $time+1)You keep using your shield to reflect Sunburst's light back at her.
She gets even angrier this time and she grows so bright and huge and furious she BURSTS!
And that's the end of Sunburst.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Eighth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)"It is!" you say. "You're stillbright but you're not too bright!"
"Thank you," Sunburst says. "I didn't mean to dazzle you. I was just trying to be nice! We should be friends!"
"We should!" you agree. "Being friends with a bright star like you will be so much fun!"
"Well, if you ever need me, just call my name and I'll come and shine my light on you!"
And with that she gives you a great big beaming smile and lets you past!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $sunburst to $sunburst+1)(set: $sunburstfriend to $sunburstfriend+1)
[[The Eighth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend(set:$time to $time+1)"No, you're still too bright," you tell Sunburst.
"Oh no," Sunburst cries. "I'm so sorry. But if I get any paler I might go out."
[[Tell Her It's Okay]]
[[Tell Her She's Still Too Bright]](set:$time to $time+1)"Oh, don't worry Sunburst. Please don't go out just for me!" you say. "I'll just run past and be on my way. Bye!"
You run past Sunburst and go on to meet the next monster
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Eighth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)Sunburst goes even darker to try stop hurting your eyes. Suddenly she goes so dark she fizzes out of existence.
Poor Sunburst. She's gone forever now.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Eighth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You swing your sword down and cut poor Eggmon in half. He's not sad any more. He's dead!
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Ninth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You stamp on Eggmon and he explodes. Poor Eggmon. What did he ever do to deserve that?
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Ninth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You pick Eggmon up. He's so sad he doesn't even say anything. He just looks down at the floor and cries.
You still throw him at the wall anyway because you're a horrible meany.
Eggmon splats. Eggmon drips. Eggmon makes a mess all the way to floor.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Ninth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)"Oh Eggmon," you say. "Why are you so sad?"
"It's because I've lost my crown," he weeps. "I really loved my crown."
["Oh that's so sad, Eggmon," you say. "You can have my crown if you like. She's called Crowny and she's so nice."
Eggmon looks up and sees Crowny sat on your head.
"Crowny! It's you!" Eggmon cries, but happily this time. "I thought I'd lost you forever!"
"I just rolled away for a bit," Crowny laughs. "But now I'm back!"
Crowny spins round and around, hovers up in the air, then flies off your head and goes whizzing over to Eggmon where she sits back down on his big eggy head.
"Hooray! That's better," Eggmon says. "I'm not sad at all any more!"
And with that, Eggmon and Crowny start singing a song! They're so happy they don't even notice you go.
(set:$crowny to $crowny-1)(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set:$eggmon to $eggmon+1)
[[The Ninth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
[Poor Eggmon. There's nothing else you can say, so you walk off towards the next monster. Eggmon's so sad he doesn't even notice you go.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Ninth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
](set:$time to $time+1)You leave Eggmon alone and walk on to the next monster.
Eggmon's so sad he doesn't even notice you go.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Ninth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You swing your sword at boat shark, but she's too far away to hit. Maybe you need to get closer!
[[Move Closer To Boat Shark And Attack]]
[[Swim Past Boat Shark]]
[[Climb Aboard Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To The People Who Work On Boat Shark]]
[[Defend Yourself From Boat Shark]](set:$time to $time+1)You dive into the lake Boat Shark is swimming in and start swimming past her. Boat Shark doesn't even look at you because she's facing the other way.
While you're swimming along you can see a port hole on the side of Boat Shark.
[[Look Through The Little Window||Mystery Mon]]
[[Don't Look Through The Little Window]](set:$time to $time+1)You climb aboard Boat Shark. The captain sees you and shouts, "What are you doing on my boat?"
"I just came on board to ask you what it's like to work on a boat that's also a shark," you say.
"What are you talking about?" says the captain. "This boat is a boat. How could it be a shark, too?"
"I don't know," you say. "But it is! Look!"
You take her over to the front of the boat and show her the scary shark's mouth just under water.
"Wow!" the captain says. "Our boat really is a shark! How scary! What shall we do?"
[[Tell The Captain To Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Tell The Captain To Sink Boat Shark And Then Jump Ashore]]
[[Tell The Captain To Let Boat Shark Go]](set:$time to $time+1) You try to talk to Boat Shark, but she can't hear you because she's underwater and you're above the water.
You think about putting your head in the water and talking to her like that but you can't talk underwater at all. It's too dangerous. So you don't do that!
So now what?
[[Attack Boat Shark]]
[[Swim Past Boat Shark]]
[[Climb Aboard Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To The People Who Work On Boat Shark]]
[[Defend Yourself From Boat Shark]](set:$time to $time+1)"Hey!" you shout up at the people working on Boat Shark. "Be careful! Your boat is a shark! It might bite someone!"
"How can our boat be a shark?" shouts the captain. "That's preposterous!"
"It's true," you tell her. "Look!"
You sketch a picture of Boat Shark in your notepad and hold it up to show the captain.
"I can't see it!" the captain says. "It's too far away!"
[[Throw Your Notebook Up To The Captain]]
[[Turn Your Drawing Into A Paper Aeroplane And Throw It To The Captain]]
[[Climb Aboard And Show Her The Notebook Yourself]]
[[Attack Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Swim Past Boat Shark]]
[[Defend Yourself From Boat Shark]](set:$time to $time+1)You knock the Patrimon off the baby's head and it falls down a drain and is never seen again. Poor little Patrimon.
Then the baby starts crying because it really loved that Patrimon. They were best friends. The baby's mummy comes along and she tells you off for being so mean. Then she takes the baby home.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Eleventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)"Hello little Patrimon," you say. "I've got a joke to tell you!"
"Hooray!" chuckles the Patrimon. "I love jokes!"
"Well here it is," you say. "What do you call a monster with no head?"
"I don't know, what do you call a monster with no head?"
Patrimon laughs so hard he falls off the baby's head, but you catch him and put him on yours!
["Now we can be friends!" you say to Patrimon.
"And so can we," says Crowny.
"Hooray!" says Patrimon. "Having friends is so much fun!"
Just as you're about to leave, the baby's mummy comes along. The baby smiles and waves at Patrimon as her mummy takes her home!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $patrimon to $patrimon+1)(set: $patrimonfriend to $patrimonfriend+1)
[[The Eleventh Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
["Now we can be friends!" you say to Patrimon.
"Hooray!" says Patrimon. "I like friends even more than I like jokes!"
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $patrimon to $patrimon+1)(set: $patrimonfriend to $patrimonfriend+1)Just as you're about to leave, the baby's mummy comes along. The baby smiles and waves at Patrimon as her mummy takes her home!
[[The Eleventh Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
](set:$time to $time+1)You run past the Patrimon and there's nothing it can do!
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Eleventh Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You try to defend yourself from the Patrimon but you can't. He's just too cute. You find yourself laughing so hard you don't even notice when he leaps off the baby's head and onto yours!
[Now you've got Crowny and a Patrimon on your head! You've got so many friends!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $patrimon to $patrimon+1)(set: $patrimonfriend to $patrimonfriend+1)Just as you're about to leave the baby's mummy comes along. The baby smiles and waves at Patrimon as her mummy takes her home!
[[The Eleventh Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
[Now you've got a Patrimon on your head. Does this mean you're friends? I think it does!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $patrimon to $patrimon+1)(set: $patrimonfriend to $patrimonfriend+1)Just as you're about to leave the baby's mummy comes along. The baby smiles and waves at Patrimon as her mummy takes her home!
[[The Eleventh Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
]Boat Shark's still in the water. She can't reach you, so there's nothing to defend yourself against!
[[Attack Boat Shark]]
[[Swim Past Boat Shark]]
[[Climb Aboard Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To The People Who Work On Boat Shark]](set:$time to $time+1) You kick the sand castle and Sand Monster bites your toe! It really hurts.
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[(set:$killed to $killed+1)But then you kick Sand Monster with your other foot and he falls down and that's the end of Sand Monster!
[[The Twelfth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Destroyed:** $killed
](set:$time to $time+1)(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $sandmonster to $sandmonster+1)You sit down next to Sand Monster and make a nice little sand castle out of the rest of the sand using your hands and your shield.
"That's a nice sand castle!" says Sand Monster.
"I am, aren't I?" says your sand castle.
Now there's two Sand Monsters!. That's so amazing.
"Let's all be friends!" you say. "No biting anyone any more!"
"Yay!" says Sand Monster #1.
"I'm so happy!" says Sand Monster #2. "I'm never going to bite any one every again!"
"Wait, wasn't it me that bites people?" says Sand Monster #1. "You've not existed long enough to bite anyone!"
"Maybe we're both the same Sand Monster!" Sand Monster #2 says. "Wouldn't that be amazing!"
"And confusing," says Sand Monster #1. "How would we ever know who we were?"
"Easy!" laughed Sand Monster #2. "We'd always be us!"
And with that, you go towards the next monster.
[[The Twelfth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $friend(set:$time to $time+1) You run through all the sand but as you do Sand Monster bites your feet and it really hurts!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)But at least you've got away from Sand Monster now.
[[The Twelfth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
](set:$time to $time+1)You crouch down and put your shield up. Sand Monster doesn't move.
[[Keep Defending Yourself From Sand Monster]]
[[Kick The Sand Castle Over]]
[[Make Your Own Sand Castle]]
[[Run Past All The Sand]]
[[Talk To Sand Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)You say hello to Sand Monster but Sand Monster just ignores you. He's pretending to be a sand castle, and sand castle's don't talk!
[[Kick The Sand Castle Over]]
[[Make Your Own Sand Castle]]
[[Run Past All The Sand]]
[[Defend Yourself From Sand Monster]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You pick up The Ice Cream Clam Monster and try eating it before it eats you. But as soon as you open your mouth it bites your tongue!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[(set:$killed to $killed+1)It hurts so much that you flinch and drop The Ice Cream Clam Monster on the floor. The Ice Cream Clam Monster is all ruined now!
You can go on to the next monster now.
[[The Thirteenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Destroyed:** $killed
](set:$time to $time+1)"I'm not going to eat you, Ice Cream Clam Monster," you say. "You might bite me!"
"I won't bite you," says the Ice Cream Clam Monster. "I promise. You can eat me if you like."
"What a strange thing to say," you think. "Why would anyone want to be eaten?"
[[Eat The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Definitely Don't Eat The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Run Past The Ice Cream Clam Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)(set: $dodged to $dodged+1)"No! You might bite me!" you cry, and sprint away from The Ice Cream Clam Monster.
You don't stop running until you've got to the next monster.
[[The Thirteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)"Are you going to bite me, Ice Cream Clam Monster," you ask. "Because I don't want to be bitten!"
"I won't bite you," says the Ice Cream Clam Monster. "I promise. You can even eat me if you like and I still won't bite you!"
"What a strange thing to say," you think. "Why would anyone want to be eaten?"
[[Eat The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Definitely Don't Eat The Ice Cream Clam Monster]]
[[Run Past The Ice Cream Clam Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$killed to $killed+1)You swing your sword round and chop Teeteepop down. There's nothing they can do. Teeteepop's only a tree after all.
Poor Teeteepop.
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Destroyed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)You climb up Teeteepop.
"Hey!" Teeteepop says. "Get down from up there! I'm a monster not a climbing frame!"
[[Attack Teeteepop]]
[[Climb Down Teeteepop]]
[[Climb Even Further Up Teeteepop]]
[[Jump Out Of Teeteepop]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You run past Teeteepop. Teeteepop swings a branch round and you duck under that and laugh.
"You'll never stop me!" you say, but then Teeteepop lifts up a root and you trip over and hurt your knees!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)You get back up and limp past Teeteepop and go on to the next monster.
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(set:$time to $time+1)"Hello Teeteepop," you say to Teeteepop.
"Hello," says Teeteepop. "You're the first person to talk to me in years. Most people think I'm just a normal tree but actaully I'm a monster. And monster's love to talk!"
[[Run Away From Teeteepop Because Teeteepop Is A Monster]]
[[Stay And Tell Teeteepop A Story]](set:$time to $time+1)You stick your tongue out at Tongoo!
"That is so rude," says Tongoo. "I'm telling my Daddy on you."
Then you look up and see the monster the mouth that Tongoo lives in belongs to!
[[The Twentysecond Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)You lift up your sword and swing it round at Tongoo, but Tongoo goes back inside the mouth so you miss it. Then Tongoo comes out again and licks you. Urgh! You're all slimy now, and it stings a bit!
It's not very nice and there's nothing you can do about it.
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[[Attack Tongoo Again]]
[[Stick Your Tongue Out At Tongoo]]
[[Run Past Tonguoo]]
[[Defend Yourself From Tongoo]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You try to run past Tongoo but he wraps himself round you and pulls you all the way back!
It's not very nice and there's nothing you can do about it.
[[Attack Tongoo]]
[[Stick Your Tongue Out At Tongoo]]
[[Defend Yourself From Tongoo]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You look back at Mystery Mon. Mystery Mon keeps looking at you.
[[Look Back At Mystery Mon]]
[[Look Away From Mystery Mon]](set:$time to $time+1)You look away from Mystery Mon and start swimming away. Even as you swim off you can feel Mystery Mon looking at you through the window.
[[Look Back At Mystery Mon]]
[[Keep Swimming Away From Mystery Mon]](set:$time to $time+1)You keep on swimming away and don't look back again. Pretty soon you've left both Mystery Mon and Boat Shark behind.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+2)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)
[[The Tenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)You keep swimming away and pretty soon you've gone all the way past Boat Shark without her ever seeing you. That was lucky!
You climb out of the lake and go on towards the next monster.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Tenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You throw your notebook as hard as you can, but it doesn't make it on board. Instead it hits the side of Boat Shark and just plops in the water.
Oh well, what will you do now?
[[Attack Boat Shark]]
[[Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Swim Past Boat Shark]]
[[Climb Aboard Boat Shark]]
[[Defend Yourself From Boat Shark]](set:$time to $time+1)You fold your drawing up into a paper aeroplane and then throw it towards the boat. It's such a good paper aeroplane that it flies perfectly up onto the boat and lands right in the captain's hands.
She's so impressed!
"Wow!" the captain says. "Our boat really is a shark! How scary! What shall we do?"
[[Tell The Captain To Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Tell The Captain To Sink Boat Shark And Then Jump Ashore]]
[[Tell The Captain To Let Boat Shark Go]]
(set:$time to $time+1)You climb aboard Boat Shark and show the Captain your drawing.
"Wow!" the captain says. "Our boat really is a shark! How scary! What shall we do?"
[[Tell The Captain To Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Tell The Captain To Sink Boat Shark And Then Jump Ashore]]
[[Tell The Captain To Let Boat Shark Go]](set:$time to $time+1)"You should talk to Boat Shark," you tell the captain. "She might be all scared too!"
"But we're not scary," the captain says. "Not like a shark!"
"I bet a shark doesn't think a shark is scary," you say. "They just think they're all normal. It's humans that must seem strange to them. We don't even need to be in the water to breathe!"
"Okay," says the captain. "But I'm still scared."
"It's okay," you say, holding the captain's hand. "Being scared's nothing to be afraid of!"
The captain nods her head, walks over to the front of the boat, and looks down at Boat Shark's big scary face.
"Er, hello," says the captain nervously. "It's nice to meet you. I'm the captain."
"And I'm Boat Shark," says Boat Shark. "It's nice to meet you too!"
And that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship!
While they're chatting to each other you jump off Boat Shark and go off to see the next monster.
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $boatshark to $boatshark+1)
[[The Tenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend(set:$time to $time+1)"You should sink Boat Shark," you tell the captain. "And then jump safely to shore!"
"That's not a very nice idea," says the captain. "But at least we'll be safe."
She tells her crew to open the port holes and let Boat Shark fill up with water. Then you and the captain and all her crew jump ashore and watch Boat Shark sink down to the bottom of the sea.
"That's so sad," says the captain, as she watches Boat Shark disappear. "I feel awful."
But before she starts crying you run off towards the next monster.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Tenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)"You should let Boat Shark go," you tell the captain. "That way she can swim away and go home!"
"Okay," the captain says. "Everyone, get ready, we're leaving!"
The captain takes you by the hand and both of you jump to the shore, and so do all the captain's crew.
They all stand and cheer as Boat Shark swims around three times, does a big back flip out of the water, and then swims away out to sea.
"I never realised my boat was a shark," says the captain. "It's so sad to see her go, but at least she's happy now!"
The captain bursts into tears and you give her a hug and then you walk off towards the next monster.
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Tenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You move closer to Boat Shark and swing your sword at Boat Shark's head.
But Boat Shark just opens her big mouth and swallows you whole! Ouch!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[Now you're in Boat Shark's belly! It's all wet and smelly in here! But also there's some stairs and a window. What strange things to find inside a shark. But then again it is a Boat Shark!
What will you do?
[[Go Over And Look Out Of The Port Hole]]
[[Climb Up The Stairs Onto Boat Shark's Deck]]
]You look through the little port hole and peak outside Boat Shark. There's nothing out there but murky water.
(set:$time to $time+1)What will you do now?
[[Look Out The Port Hole Some More]]
[[Go Up The Stairs]](set:$time to $time+1)You climb up the stairs and find yourself on Boat Shark's deck. The captain sees you and shouts, "What are you doing on my boat?"
"I got eaten by Boat Shark," you say. "And this was the only way out!"
"What are you talking about?" says the captain. "What's a Boat Shark?"
"This boat is Boat Shark," you explain. "It's a boat on top but a shark underwater!"
"Nonsense!" the captain shouts. "This boat is a boat. How could it be a shark, too?"
"I don't know," you say. "But it is! Look!"
You take her over to the front of the boat and show her the scary shark's mouth just under water.
"Wow!" the captain says. "Our boat really is a shark! How scary! What shall we do?"
[[Tell The Captain To Talk To Boat Shark]]
[[Tell The Captain To Sink Boat Shark And Then Jump Ashore]]
[[Tell The Captain To Let Boat Shark Go]]You look through the little port hole for a little bit longer. There's still nothing out there but murky water.
(set:$time to $time+1)What will you do now?
[[Look Out The Port Hole Some More]]
[[Go Up The Stairs]](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)You turn away from the port hole and there in front of you is Mystery Mon
**Mystery Mon**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mysterymon.jpg">
Mystery Mon is looking at you!
[[Look Right Back At Mystery Mon]]
[[Look Away From Mystery Mon And Run Up The Stairs]](set:$time to $time+1)You stare straight back at Mystery Mon. Mystery Mon's still looking at you!
[[Look Right Back At Mystery Mon]]
[[Look Away From Mystery Mon And Run Up The Stairs]](set:$time to $time+1)You get to the stairs but you can still feel Mystery Mon looking at you!
Mystery Mon is so mysterious! You want to see if it's still there.
[[Look Back To See If Mystery Mon Is Still There]]
[[Look Away From Mystery Mon And Run Up The Stairs|Climb Up The Stairs Onto Boat Shark's Deck]](set:$time to $time+1)Mystery Mon is still there.
Mystery Mon is looking at you!
[[Look Right Back At Mystery Mon]]
[[Look Away From Mystery Mon And Run Up The Stairs|Climb Up The Stairs Onto Boat Shark's Deck]]...a bathroom! All the monsters were queuing for the toilet!
Those silly monsters! There wasn't even anyone in here!
Well now you're here, you might as well make the most of it. And remember to brush you're teeth before bed time, too!
**Final Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Turns:** $time
**Monsters Killed:** $killed/15
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged/15
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend/15
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden/7
**Stories Told:** $stories/4
**Picnics Attended**: $party/1
**Guests Invited**: $guests/21
**Mystery Mons**: mystery/mystery
[[Play Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
[[Original Design Document]] (set:$time to $time+1)You keep your shield up. Sand Monster moves closer and closer.
[[Keep Defending Yourself From Sand Monster Even More]]
[[Kick The Sand Castle Over]]
[[Make Your Own Sand Castle]]
[[Run Past All The Sand]]
[[Talk To Sand Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)You keep your shield up as Sand Monster keeps creeping forward. Sand Monster's so close now. He's right on top of your shoe!
[[Keep Defending Yourself From Sand Monster Even More Again]]
[[Kick The Sand Castle Over]]
[[Make Your Own Sand Castle]]
[[Run Past All The Sand]]
[[Talk To Sand Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)Sand Monster walks straight into your shield and falls over. Then the wind blows him away and he's gone forever.
Poor Sand Monster! He was only trying to bite you!
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Twelfth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)"I'm definitely not going to eat you, Ice Cream Clam Monster," you say. "Because you'll bite me!"
"I won't!" protests Ice Cream Clam Monster.
"But I will!" says a mysterious voice.
You turn round and there's a secret monster there, looking at you!
[[The Secret Monster|The Fifteenth Monster]](set:$time to $time+1)You pick up Popice and try eating it before it eats you. But as soon as you open your mouth it bites your tongue!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
[(set:$killed to $killed+1)(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)It hurts so much that you flinch and drop Popice on the floor. Popice is all ruined now!
"Oh no, poor Popice!" cries Ice Cream Clam Monster. "I'm going to run away before you try to eat me too!"
WIth that, Ice Cream Clam Monster disappears down the tunnel. You can go on to the next monster now.
[[The Thirteenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Destroyed:** $killed
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden
](set:$time to $time+1)"I'm not going to eat you either, Popice," you say. "I'm not going to eat any monsters at all!"
"Well I'm still going to eat you!" says Popice, scarily. "Unless you eat me first!"
[[Definitely Don't Eat Popice]]
[[Eat Popice Before Popice Eats You]](set:$time to $time+1)"I'm definitely not going to eat you, Popice," you say. "Nor you, Ice Cream Clam Monster. It's not nice to eat monsters!"
"You're right, it's not!" says a mysterious voice behind you.
You turn round and there's another secret monster there!
[[The Next Secret Monster|The Eighteenth Monster]](set: $friend to $friend+3)(set: $snowbie to $snowbie+1) (set: $clam to $clam+1)(set: $popice to $popice+1)"Of course I'll be your friend," you tell Snowbie. "I'll be friends with all of you!"
Everyone cheers. You've made three friends all in one go. That's pretty special!
Now you can go on to the next monster.
[[The Thirteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set: $dodged to $dodged+3)"No! You might bite me!" you cry, and sprint away from Snowbie, Popice and The Ice Cream Clam Monster all in one go.
You don't stop running until you've got to the next monster.
[[The Thirteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)You climb down Teeteepop and say you're sorry for climbing up their trunk.
"That's okay," says Teeteepop. "You probably just thought I was a tree. But I'm not a tree. I'm a monster."
[[Run Away From Teeteepop Because Teeteepop Is A Monster]]
[[Stay And Tell Teeteepop A Story]](set:$time to $time+1)(set: $dodged to $dodged+1)You jump out of Teeteepop and run away. That was pretty exciting!
Now you're past Teeteepop and up to the next monster.
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)You climb even further up Teeteepop. You're really high up now, but you're not quite at the top.
"Hey!" Teeteepop says. "Get down from up there! I'm a monster not a climbing frame!"
[[Climb Down Teeteepop]]
[[Climb To The Top Of Teeteepop|The Twentythird Monster]]
[[Jump Out Of Teeteepop|Jump Out Of Teeteepop Even Though You're Really High]](set:$time to $time+1)You jump out of Teeteepop. You're so high up you hurt your ankle when you land!
(set: $hp to $hp-1)
[Oh no! You are dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
[(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)You get back up and limp past Teeteepop and go on to the next monster.
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(set:$time to $time+1)(set: $dodged to $dodged+1)You run away from Teeteepop because Teeteepop is a monster. They look so sad to see you go.
Now you're past Teeteepop and up to the next monster.
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)"I'm going to tell you a story," you say. "It's about mythical creatures."
"Oh that sounds exciting," Teeteepop says. "Mythical creatures are so scary!"
"This story is called The 4 Sisters," you say. "And it goes like this!
"One sunny morning 4 beautiful sisters named Florence, Olivia, Izzy and Freya knew that they were scared of mythical creatures. They lived with their boy child minder and mother in a cottage in a wood and the wood had mythical creatures in! Florence, Olivia and Izzy and Freyja thought that mythical creatures were mysterious, clever, and mammoth (that means big!).
"One day their mother thought it was time for the 4 sisters learn more about mythical creatures. When the sisters moved this was the sound they made: Bingey Bongey Boo!
"Bingey Bongey Boo! The 4 sisters appeared beside a giant. 'What are mythical creatures like,' the four sisters asked.
"The giant said, 'People say mythical creatures are imaginary, but they're not. Mythical creatures are imaginative!'
"'Thanks for your advice,' the four sisters said.
"Bingey Bongey Boo! The 4 sisters landed beside a Roc. 'What are mythical creatures like,' said the 4 sisters.
"People think mythical creatures are scary, but they're not. Mythical creatures are creative!' said the Roc.
"'Thanks for your advice,' said the 4 sisters.
"Bingey Bongey Boo! The 4 sisters found themselves at home. They told their mother all they had learned about mythical creatures, and then they went to bed!
"And that's a story all about mythical creatures! Did you like it?"
"I did!" Teeteepop says. "I learnt that mythical creatures aren't scary after all."
"And I've learnt that monsters aren't scary either!" you say, and give them a big hug. Teeteepop is your friend!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $stories to $stories+1)(set: $teeteepop to $teeteepop +1)
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Stories Told:** $stories
(set:$time to $time+1)"Ah you know," he says. "I'm just hanging around! I thought I might find a Patrimon up here but there's none to be found!"
["I saw a Patrimon once," you say.
"Well that's no help now!" says Fox-that-box, before he picks you up and jumps all the way down to the ground. Then he runs away, and you never see him again.
(set: $dodged to $dodged+2)You decide to run away in the other direction so that Teeteepop doesn't catch you!
[[The Fourteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Discovered:** (set:$hidden to $hidden+1)
["I've got a Patrimon," you say. "Right on my own head!"
You bend down and show Fox-that-box and he gets so excited he starts moving even faster than ever!
"Can I have your Patrimon?" Fox-that-box asks. "I've always wanted a Patrimon! I've got so many jokes to tell them!"
"Hey! I love jokes," Patrimon says, leaping off your head and right on to Fox-that-box's head. "They make me laugh!" (set:$patrimon to $patrimon-1)
"Well listen to this joke, Patrimon!" Fox-that-box says. "I made it up myself! This is how it goes. What do you call a monster with a monster on his head?"
"I don't know," you say. "What do you call a monster with a monster on his head?"
"Your new best friend!" says Fox-that-box.
And with that Fox-that-box bounces away with Patrimon stuck to his head!
(set: $friend to $friend+1)(set: $fox to $fox+1)
[[Climb Down Teeteepop]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden
(set:$time to $time+1)You lift up your shield and when Tongoo comes licking for you it only licks your shield.
"Urgh!" Tongoo says. "You taste disgusting!"
Then Tongoo goes back inside it's mouth and won't come out again no matter what you do!
So you can walk on to the very last monster. You're almost there!
(set: $dodged to $dodged+1)
[[The Fifteenth Monster|The Sixteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged(set:$time to $time+1)"I'm sorry," you say to Teepeep. "I was just trying to be friendly."
"You want to be friends with monsters, do you?" Teepeep asks. He's so huge and scary looking!
[[Say You Do]]
[[Run Away From Teepeep Before He Can Get You]](set:$time to $time+1)"That is so rude!" says Teepeep. "Let's go home, Tongoo. I don't like it here."
"Nor do I," says Tongoo, and with that they leave. Poor Tongoo and Teepeep.
You're all on your own now. Well, at least you can go on to the next monster now.
(set: $dodged to $dodged+2)
[[The Fifteenth Monster|The Sixteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)You run away from Teepeep because Teepeep is so scary.
"You'll never catch me!" you say as you sprint off to the final monster.
"What a strange person," Teepeep and Tongoo say, but you don't care what they think! At least you've not been eaten!
(set: $dodged to $dodged+2)
[[The Fifteenth Monster|The Sixteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)"I do," you say. "Monsters might look scary but that doesn't mean they are!"
"Well, let's be friends then!" says Teepeep. "What do you say, Tongoo?"
"Well as long as no one else sticks their tongue out at me," says Tongoo. "I don't like it when people stick their tongue at me."
[[Say You'll Never Stick Your Tongue Out At Tongue Again]]
[[Stick Your Tongue Out At Tongue Again]](set:$time to $time+1)"I'll never stick my tongue out at you again, Tongoo," you say.
"Thank you," says Tongoo. "That's very nice of you. Of course we can be friends."
You're so happy. Teepeep and Tongoo are happy too. They say they like you so much you can go ahead to the last monster now.
(set: $friend to $friend+2)(set: $tongoo to $tongoo+1)(set: $teepeep to $teepeep+1)
[[The Fifteenth Monster|The Sixteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)"That is so rude!" says Tongoo. And like that he disappears back inside Teepeep's mouth.
"It really is!" says Teepeep. "We're going home. It's not very nice here."
With that Teepeep and Tongoo leave. They'll never talk to **you** again.
(set: $dodged to $dodged+2)
[[The Fifteenth Monster|The Sixteenth Monster]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)This time Tongoo's too slow and you cut him in half. Poor Tongoo falls down to the floor and then you run away.
(set:$killed to $killed+1)
[[The Fifteenth Monster|The Sixteenth Monster]]
**Current Status:**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Killed:** $killed(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$dinnertime to $time%8)You walk slowly through the Scary Waterfall.
(if:$dinnertime is 0)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(if:$dinnertime is 1)
[Oh no! It's breakfast time, so the Scary Waterfall eats you!
You were so close to the end. But now you're dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Turns Taken: $time
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
Stories Told: $stories
(if:$dinnertime is 2)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(if:$dinnertime is 3)
[Oh no! It's lunch time, so the Scary Waterfall eats you!
You were so close to the end. But now you're dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Turns Taken: $time
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
Stories Told: $stories
(if:$dinnertime is 4)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(if:$dinnertime is 5)
[Oh no! It's dinner time, so the Scary Waterfall eats you!
You were so close to the end. But now you're dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Turns Taken: $time
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
Stories Told: $stories
(if:$dinnertime is 6)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it. But also there's a rainbow in the distance. It's so beautiful.
What are you going to do?
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
[[Go Towards The Rainbow]]
(if:$dinnertime is 7)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$dinnertime to $time%8)You look at your watch to see what time it is.
(if:$dinnertime is 0)
[It's so early it's not even breakfast time yet! So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 1)
[It's breakfast time. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 2)
[It's just after breakfast but just before lunch. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 3)
[It's lunch time. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 4)
[It's just after lunch but just before dinner time. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 5)
[It's dinner time! So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 6)
[It's just after dinner So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 7)
[You should be in bed by now! So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
](set:$time to $time+1)You swing your sword at Scary Waterfall but it just goes right through because Scary Waterfall is made of water. You can't cut water!
[[Walk Through Scary Waterfall]]
[[Check To See What Time It Is]]
[[Talk To Scary Waterfall]](set:$time to $time+1)You hold your breath and then run as fast as you can through the Scary Waterfall.
(if:$dinnertime is 0)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(if:$dinnertime is 1)
[But oh no! It's breakfast time, so the Scary Waterfall eats you!
You were so close to the end. But now you're dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Turns Taken: $time
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
Stories Told: $stories
(if:$dinnertime is 2)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(if:$dinnertime is 3)
[But oh no! It's lunch time, so the Scary Waterfall eats you!
You were so close to the end. But now you're dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Turns Taken: $time
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
Stories Told: $stories
(if:$dinnertime is 4)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
(if:$dinnertime is 5)
[But oh no! It's dinner time, so the Scary Waterfall eats you!
You were so close to the end. But now you're dead!
[[Start Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
**Final Score:**
Health: $hp
Turns Taken: $time
Monsters Killed: $killed
Monsters Dodged: $dodged
Monsters Befriended: $friend
Secret Monsters Found: $hidden
Stories Told: $stories
(if:$dinnertime is 6)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it. But also there's a rainbow in the distance. It's so beautiful.
What are you going to do?
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
[[Go Towards The Rainbow]]
(if:$dinnertime is 7)
[You get a bit wet, but you don't get eaten! That was easy!
You've got to the end. There's a big door here and now you can go through it.
I wonder what awaits you on the other side!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+1)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
](set:$time to $time+1)(set:$dinnertime to $time%8)You wait a bit and then look at your watch again.
(if:$dinnertime is 0)
[It's so early now it's not even breakfast time yet! So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 1)
[It's breakfast time now. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 2)
[It's just after breakfast now but it's not yet lunch. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 3)
[It's lunch time now. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 4)
[It's just after lunch now but it's not dinner time yet. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 5)
[It's dinner time now! So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 6)
[It's just after dinner time now. So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
(if:$dinnertime is 7)
[It's so late now you should be in bed! So what are you going to do?
[[Run Through The Scary Waterfall]]
[[Wait A Bit]]
[[Attack The Scary Waterfall]]
](set:$time to $time+1)You swing your sword at Scary Waterfall but it just goes right through because Scary Waterfall is made of water. You can't cut water!
[[Walk Through Scary Waterfall]]
[[Check To See What Time It Is]]
[[Talk To Scary Waterfall]](set:$time to $time+1)"Hello Scary Waterfall," you say. "Can I walk through you or will you eat me?"
"Of course you can walk through me," the Scary Waterfall says. "I'll only eat you if it's breakfast time, lunch time, or dinner time!"
"Well I really want to walk through you," you say. "But I don't want to be eaten!"
"You'll just have to hope I'm not hungry then," the Scary Waterfall says. "If you're lucky, you might even see a rainbow. She's my best friend. She used to come and see me every evening, but now she keeps on running away. So if you see her, please say hello!"
[[Walk Through Scary Waterfall]]
[[Check To See What Time It Is]]
[[Attack Scary Waterfall]]You've gone beyond the monsters and now you're going through the final door.
What's past there? What awaits you beyond? Is it fame? Is it fortune? Is it fifteen monsters more?
[[No, it's...|Beyond The Monsters And Through The Door]]You walk towards the rainbow and the rainbow smiles at you!(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)
**Secret Monster #6: Rainbow Bainbow**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon021.jpg">
Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Chase After Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow can't hear you!
[[Chase After Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Chase After Rainbow Bainbow Some More]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)You ignore Rainbow Bainbow and she disappears completely!
Now there's nothing left for you to do but go through the final door!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
(set:$dodged to $dodged+2)
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden(set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Chase After Rainbow Bainbow Even More]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Chase After Rainbow Bainbow More And More]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
You're so tired you can't carry on.
[[Sit Down For A Bit And Have A Rest]]
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Keep Trying To Catch Up With Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
You're so tired you can't carry on.
[[Sit Down For A Bit And Have A Rest]]
[[Call Out To Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Ignore Rainbow Bainbow]] (set:$time to $time+1)(set: $waterfall to $waterfall+1)(set: $rainbow to $rainbow+1)(set: $party to $party+1)You sit down to get your breath back. That was so tiring running after Rainbow Bainbow for so long!
"That was so much fun!" says Rainbow Bainbow, as she comes and sparkles down right next to you. "Let's do it again!"
"I'm so tired!" you say. "But it was really fun!"
"Rainbow Bainbow!" says the Scary Waterfall. "You came back!"
It turns out you ran right round in a big circle and now you're right back by the Scary Waterfall!
(set:$friend to $friend+2)"Let's all have a picnic!" says Scary Waterfall.
"Yay!" says Rainbow Bainbow, and suddenly she makes it rain sweets and cakes out of the sky (but in a nice way so that you don't just get hit on the head by cupcakes and get sticky buns all over your clothes, and instead everything lands neatly on all the plates on the picnic blanket!)
It's the best picnic ever. All your friends come along and it's just so much fun.
(if: $sunburst > 0)
[Sunburst comes over and shines down so brightly Rainbow Bainbow looks even sparklier than ever, and the Scary Waterfall glows like gold.(set: $guests to $guests+1)
You eat all your favourite things (there's no one here to say you can't!). The Scary Waterfall eats a cream bun.(set: $guests to $guests+1) Rainbow Bainbow eats nothing but sparkly bits of gold! (set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $sickpoo > 0)
[Sickpoo eats too many crisps and he looks a bit ill.(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $stamping > 0)
[The Stamping Monster just won't stop dancing!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $monmon > 0)
[MonMon eats two cakes because MonMon is two Mons.(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $poobox > 0)
[Rockmon comes back from outer space and so does Poobox.(set: $guests to $guests+1) Rockmon drink's so much fizzy pop she starts to giggle. Poobox doesn't eat anything at all.(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $gogbagfriend > 0)
[Gogbag pops up and eats a chocolate brownie!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $eggmon > 0)
[Eggmon just rolls around and around in the grass. You don't know what he's doing, but he seems quite happy!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $crownyfriend > 0)
[Crowny spins round happily and drinks a whole bottle of lemonade!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $boatshark > 0)
[Boat Shark swims up the river to say hello. You throw her the biggest cake you have and she eats it all in one go. Then you throw cakes up to the captain and all of her crew and they cheer and cheer!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $sandmonster > 0)
[The Sandmonsters don't like cakes or sweets but they do like bread and they eat cucumber sandwiches and a whole box of crackers!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $snowbie > 0)
[Snowbie eats a great big juicy plum, while Ice Cream Clam Monster and Popice eat strawberries.(set: $guests to $guests+1)(set: $guests to $guests+1)(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $fox > 0)
[Fox-that-box never stops moving. You can't even see what he's eating!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $teeteepop > 0)
[Teeteepop just drinks a cup of tea!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $teepeep > 0)
[Teepeep eats rocks. Really really big rocks. Teepeep is so huge and scary, but he's still your friend!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $tongoo > 0)
[Tongoo eats a yoghurt by just licking it out of the pot!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
(if: $patrimonfriend > 0)
[Patrimon tells everyone a joke. It goes, "What sort of cakes do monsters eat?"
"I don't know," you say. "What sort of cakes do monsters eat?"
"All of them!" Patrimon says. Then he opens his mouth so wide it's bigger than Boat Shark's gigantic mouth and he eats all the cakes in one go!
What a naughty Patrimon!(set: $guests to $guests+1)
When the party is over, everyone goes home. But Rainbow Bainbow still wants to play!
"Chase me again because that was so much fun!"
"Oh, I don't know," you say. "I've eaten so much cake maybe I shouldn't run around. And the final door is right there. Maybe I should go through it now I'm at the front of the queue!"
"Oh please," says Rainbow Bainbow. "I don't want this party to ever end!"
[[Chase Rainbow Bainbow Again]]
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden
(set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Chase After Rainbow Bainbow Before She Gets Away Again]]
[[Give Up And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Never Give Up Chasing Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Give Up And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)You're so near to Rainbow Bainbow you can almost touch her. She can't stop laughing as she dodges out of your reach!
[[Come On! You Can Do It!]]
[[Give Up And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
[[Don't Stop Chasing Rainbow Bainbow Yet]]
[[Give Up And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)Rainbow Bainbow won't let you get near!
You're so tired! You are so out of breath you can't even laugh any more.
[[Chase Rainbow Bainbow Until You Catch Her]]
[[Give Up Chasing Rainbow Bainbow And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)You're so near to Rainbow Bainbow you can almost touch her. She can't stop laughing as she dodges out of your reach!
[[Come On! You Can Do It!]]
[[Give Up And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)Nearly there! Come on! Come on! Just... One... More... Step!
[[Keep Running After Rainbow Bainbow]]
[[Leap Out To Catch Her]]
[[Give Up And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]] (set:$time to $time+1)You run as fast as you can but you don't get any closer. You even put in a little final sprint but Rainbow Bainbow just dodges out of reach!
"You'll never catch me!" Rainbow Bainbow giggles, and she disappears over the horizon!
You were just too slow. Rainbows are too fast to catch like that.
There's nothing left to do but go through the final door now.
[[Go Through The Final Door]](set:$time to $time+1)You leap out to catch Rainbow Bainbow. She wasn't expecting that, and this time you catch up to her and land right on her back. It's like you're standing on multicoloured ice!
"Nobody has ever caught me before!" Rainbow Bainbow laughs, as you tap dance on top of her in delight. "You're the best!"
"That was so much fun!" you say. "I can't believe I'm on top of a rainbow!"
"You can climb up me if you want," says Rainbow Bainbow. "I go all the way to space!"
"That sounds a bit cold," you say. "But so exciting!"
[[Climb Up Rainbow Bainbow And See Where She Leads]]
[[Jump Down And Go Through The Final Door|Go Through The Final Door]]You climb all the way to the top of Rainbow Bainbow. You're so high up you can see for thousands of miles. You can see all the monsters you've met and even some you haven't. You can see the moon and the sun and the stars all at once. It's so magical.
Suddenly there's a little twinkle in the sky above you and a little star comes falling down and lands at your feet with a bump.
(set:$time to $time+1)(set:$hidden to $hidden+1)(set:$friend to $friend+1)(set:$starbump to $starbump+1)**Super Secret Monster #1: Starbump**
<img src="https://accumulationofthings.com/twine/images/monsters/mon020.jpg">
Starbump looks so sad.
"Why are you so sad, Starbump?" you ask.
"I just fell out of bed!" Starbump says. "And I hurt my head."
"Oh poor Starbump," you say. "I'll be your friend. And so will you, won't you, Rainbow Bainbow?"
"Of course I will," says Rainbow Bainbow. "Let's sing Starbump a lullaby together!"
"Oh please," says Starbump. "I like lullabies!"
You both sing Starbump a lullaby together until Starbump goes to sleep.
Now Starbump looks so happy! Rainbow Bainbow gets ready to take her back to space. Maybe you could go with her too!
[[Go Through The Final Door]]
[[Go Into Space With Rainbow Bainbow and Starbump]]
**Current Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hiddenYou go up into space with Rainbow Bainbow and Starbump. It's so magical! You can see the whole world from up here. You can see a million monsters and a billion planets and a trillion tiny stars just like Starbump!
This has been the best adventure ever! And you've made so many friends!
**Final Status**
**Health:** $hp
**Turns:** $time
**Monsters Killed:** $killed/15
**Monsters Dodged:** $dodged/15
**Monsters Befriended:** $friend/15
**Secret Monsters Found:** $hidden/7
**Stories Told:** $stories/4
**Picnics Attended**: $party/1
**Guests Invited**: $guests/21
**Mystery Mons**: mystery/mystery
[[Play Again|Fifteen monsters all in a row]]
[[Original Design Document]]